Thursday, December 30, 2010

Metart Ygoow Moorhunt

Inside the donut

The year that ends should be the year ' out of many things. Instead, it was not so, not out of just such a beautiful thing. On leaving I would give some weight by the door, and lighter than I tried to wander exploring, trying new things. I did a quick lap and then I started again, one by one, my weights. Some renovated, some sweetened, but getting them. In my wanderings I met new things and I have gathered, there are many beautiful things, but time and attention. I should focus on one thing, but I can not, like I have an insatiable hunger that "takes all, even the coffee." Guess I'll have to redo everything from scratch. Basically what I tried to get was to develop the farthest point of my character: serenity, but I did not succeed. I wanted to be a peaceful mountain lake, but I'm a puddle boost traffic. But in the end it is not true, the truth is I want the energy to do everything they can stick their nose into every nook and corner of every pull something yet to be explored. But my energy is too little for giving me time to unwind dreams on paper. Port in the new year of the new joys and new sorrows, and port receipts precarious footholds. For my will, or destiny, next year will be a watershed year, one year to the next step will be very different from those experienced to date. Will I remember going to re-elect these words, if only to laugh at me, at least to count the turns in this circular motion. Let's wishes.

picture: out of here, Milan December 28, 2010

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Kitchenaid Professional Hd Vs Professional 5 Plus

The war is over

E 'was a flash of vertigo on the graphics. A sign, perhaps magical, which opened a crack in the cold morning. He was a star drawn with a marker on the wall of the car. Vibrating, because of shock, as if she were dancing over his "i". Above the caption "I give up! goodbye "," I surrender! Goodbye ". I imagined a small teenager sitting crooked on the seat with the knee mark. I clearly saw the wake of the jeans tucked into boots, a piece of ass protrude from the waist down and polished. I thought the song Baustelle , to the "bic perfume / actress from Without a Cause". I swear that they are horrified. I swear that I remembered to me, then, when nothing made me more well-written record of terrible, like open veins gushing from my self-centeredness. They were nothing, because nothing of that was followed by a series, but then I could not know. Only after you have lined up the disappointment I felt was normal. My baby, do not give up, the tragedies of today are tomorrow's trivia that are sensitive to make room for new tragedies. I do not have my writing, I just threw them all, but some issues could be of personal relevance. I apologize for all this negativity but I have no role to to paternalism, but I want to correct: you will not believe but in the darkness of these days, today I went home happy to have made a picture.

Photo: December 28, 2010, MM3

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Chinese Bangs, Weaves

Morning frost in winter

Today I have made peace and snow. I had brought her down yesterday afternoon slow, but moving from side to not impede traffic. He told me to "rest and tomorrow will be sunny, so it was. I knew inside of me, though I peered weather forecasts, which would maintain the commitment and called me this morning. He left Sun to its highest place and cold wind all the space around, she is lying idle on the ground that had been soft and has let go, I would like a skin, turn back to look at the signs that I leave. The games are small footprints in the snow with the past, notes written on a bar napkin because someone, perhaps, find them. I laughed until cold and the snow was smiling, we also talked about projects together, ideas from other games. I do not know when it will happen again that we exalt in our synchronous whims.

Photo: Oasis Carengione, December 18, 2010

Friday, December 17, 2010

Send Invitation Sorority Life

Biblioteche Accademiche e Valutazione della Ricerca

Un report della OCLC Research scritto da John MacColl " Research Assessment and the Role of the Library " (January 2010) può essere punto di partenza per una riflessione su possibili ruoli futuri delle biblioteche

Illegally Setting Up Direct Tv

Zotero, Reference Management Software e Altri Strumenti Free per il Browser

Segnalo una presentazione di Zotero e di altri strumenti di estensione dei browser in un interessante articolo della rivista Dragonfly.
Nell'articolo trovate il link ad una tabella di comparazione di Zotero con gli altri prodotti commerciali di gestione delle bibliografie, elaborata da University of Wisconsin – Madison Libraries.
Un'analisi complete with tables, comparing managers bibliographies available (free or not) is also present in Wikipedia .

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Mirar Movies En Espanol Gratis

Jane Austen - Anniversario

To celebrate 235 years since the birth of Jane Austen today Google dresses "Regency" and it indicates a selection of websites on the writer and his works!
not forget the magazine online Persuasions "The Jane Austen Society of North America (JASNA), has just released the second issue of 2010

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Georgia Driver License Template

OPAC e Biblioteche - Informazioni utili per i Bibliotecari

From catalog of our OPAC. University you can extract for example. lists of journals or monographs held by a single library.
tool to use to generate link to records in the catalog is called LinkGenerator and was drafted by Mr Luca Dragon CAB. It 's show a link Info / Help Catalog SBA.

page access are thus described the potential of this instrument:
"Generate link to be included in a web page - ol ' URL to use in emails or bookmarks - to launch a particular research Library System Catalog Padovano or to retrieve a single record "

As an example, here is the list of Ancient books owned by our Library

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Can I Use Glycerin In My Dog's Eye

Scopus: Come escludere i Record PubMed?

How to retrieve records from Scopus excluding those of PubMed?
is a valuable suggestion of American librarians (Mayo Clinic) should be added to Scopus in our research the following string:

AND NOT (PMID (1 * * OR 2 OR 3 OR 4 * 5 * OR * OR * OR 6 OR 7 * 8 * 9 * O))

PMID identifies where the code number is allocated to that is a record in PubMed.
This code also retain the PubMed records in other databases such as Scopus, Web of Science etc..

Example: Seeking information
Scopus in on " artemisinin," but I already 'did a search on PubMed and I want to exclude these records. In the window "Advanced search" Scopus write:

artemisinin AND NOT (PMID (1 * * OR 2 OR 3 OR 4 * 5 * OR * OR * OR 6 OR 7 * 8 * 9 * O))

Deniese Milani Topless

PubMed Central (PMC) - Digital Archive of Periodicals

PubMed Central (PMC) is a archive of biomedical journals U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH). The journals included in the catalog are available free of charge. Some are completely free, the others are only partially .

Friday, December 10, 2010

Cat Hard Lump Left Belly

PubMed - New

OLDMEDLINE contains citations from 1946
and therefore also in the searchable PubMed database

The thesaurus MeSH Medline turns 50! E 'was published for the first time in 1960 and contained 4300 descriptors. The 2011 edition contains 26000.

Da Novembre, e' stata modificata la pagina dei Limits
Ci sono due nuovi Subsets " Dietary Supplements " e " Veterinary Science ". Nei Publication Types, ci sono le nuove voci: " Autobiography " e " Video-audio Media "

Hallmark Card Anniversary Sayings

Zotero - Free Software for Bibliographies

Lo potete scaricare da:
Si integra al browser Firefox e consente anche di gestire bibliografie in Microsoft Word.

Sony Vegas 7 Media Generator

Ancient books - University of Strasbourg

Segnalo il "Service Commun de la Documentation de l'Université de Strasbourg - Livres anciens "
you can find old books scanned from various disciplines and languages. Search by author, background, discipline (Dewey classification) or century (since 1500).

Connect Laptop To Reciever

Favorite Resources Web-portal for the University of Turin

Report this interesting portal containing web resources selected and quality. It covers all subject areas and uses a classification system resources Preferred / SPT - home.php

Monday, December 6, 2010

South Park Streamingfr

Verba manent, manent, and manent manent

I read a sentence, if you are trivial, in a book and think "this is what I should do." It 's a simple teaching, I already knew, was a way of life that I had already proposed to follow, but because now that I've read it becomes a piece of advice to follow? Because before it was not, although he got there alone? We are slaves of the education or the written word? Maybe that's why one of the best-selling books in the world teaches you to stop smoking in addition to the normal sense, but I am reminded of a Zen teaching where a teacher goes to a wise man and asks, "Which way should I follow?", The master put down " Be good and just. " The essay was amazed and exclaimed, "But even a child knows this!" the teacher replied, "Yes, everybody knows, but few do."
In fact I fear that the power of the written word, outdoor education, is a mechanism imposed by the Western discipline. Rather than listen to obey the outside. That seems so terrible, and maybe it's just an exaggeration, but in the same book I discovered that many men can not urinate on their backs for education had as a child.

photo: Forbidden Books, December 2010

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Get Well Wishesstroke

These nights, some nights

My tiredness is not the result of a difficulty, if not what can I not be tired. You can work hard and realize that you could not leave the problems attached to the desk, including the photo of the boy on a bicycle and postcards of the Japanese restaurant. Maybe it's a bit 'the weather that gets in the way, or chronological, because you have not slept little and you're too old to recover quickly. In fact, the tip of your mind, look, it pulsates, as with hunting dog in a zoo just vacated. He leans in the corners of the city looking for ideas, suggestions, signals. But you have to retract because the body does not follow, because today is asking a break. If you're allergic like me to quit television in the house becomes an exile. The radio will inevitably go wrong music and your music is always the same. The eyes do not want to read and hands would remain closed as flowers. On nights like this should be a hug ready to rest, slight hands you scour the temples and invitations to make love only those with the lashes of your eyes. Should I buy a nice colorful blanket.

pictures: Rome, 30 November 2010, it was raining, but there was traffic in the car was good. traffic, but in the car was good.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Aplastic Anemia More Condition_treatment

Progress (one afternoon in L'Aquila with Matteo Grimaldi)

L'Aquila, after two years, is a walk that forced cuts the center of the net. Everything else, the whole grid of streets around the main vein is closed. The blood no longer flows, even if it is "red zone". The walk forced
at your disposal , in fact, it forces you to see, but above all it requires you to not see.
All around you, the Medieval and Renaissance the twentieth century and now are living with wounds that are scars in the stone, wearing a new coat: the structures of wood and iron scaffolding of the new skeleton to take up so illusory a city, emptied of its inhabitants as the main walls of his apartment . If
L'Aquila standing materially, there . But only in the image, and imagination. Why
L'Aquila there, yes, but a few yards further down: in writing, in photos, poetry, testimonies hanging on the railings which encase - the latter - as there is still architecturally accessible, even if only the eyes. And from a distance.
The old town of L'Aquila, now, it's a dismal postcard where the raindrops reverberating more steps, since they are a lot less. And for the most part are those of the military rubbery.
"But because there were few people it rains? "Ask Matt.
" No, there were few people just "you replied Matthew, perhaps saying more with silence the next.
It is in aware that his silence - and forbidden in your silence - that somewhere prohibited appears every so often a rattle . What is a hammer, drill a roar, a creaking pulley: any employee is working, but is isolated and - look - it seems more lost than you.
After two years, L'Aquila seems to stop at the day of the earthquake, like the hands of the clock of the golden square, in the rigor mortis of 03:33.
And while every building has its scaffolding so that seem the hallmark of survival of vertical, reconsider little terrified after six idea that they remain there forever.
"There is a plan to rebuild the city," Matt tells you, and your eye falls on a poster: Bricklayer looking for work, complete with a mobile number. You seem a paradox, where you thought you'd find there, if not the rebirth of the Phoenix from its ashes, at least the fervor, the noise constructive of workers at work. In that silence inappropriate written words, and hung on the barricade, screaming. That 's what he wants to repopulate the blood of these arteries, without dirtying their clubs of those who keep the image upright.
seem equally provisional homes in the suburbs. Neighborhoods photocopy on stilts seismic, square, with wooden balconies to emanate warmth, and waving the tricolor faded. Functional as of apartments in holiday villages brochures, and yet - if what should be temporary in the center tends to "forever" - you can easily stumble into thinking that they are also backed up these sides steppe-like plains . The man who walked the dog in the yard to measure the lady hanging clothes on the balcony-between-the-bounding rectangles, the children return from school backpackers are real, but only the trees placed equidistance around there with have planted roots.
"From January 2011 you start to pay off the mortgage arrears over the houses," says Matthew.
"What holiday?" I ask you with dismay, thinking the casings of the old town.
But then Matthew says something like:
"I was afraid of dying, while my house was shaking and earthquake roared around me like an animal bigger than me too. And now I've learned not to take for granted the time, because is at your disposal to a certain point. "
And in that moment you shut up, seeing a crack in this which is a chink in the future.
But not last long, because of cracks real now, I've seen too much. Nor the warmth of the sun-soaked clouds can calm your return.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

When Does Thyroid Finish

In autumn there is apathy

do not know whether or not it would be easier: for a moment I thought I might as well lay dressed in armor and glass. So what is there to hide? You are what you are, Sergio Rubini and you are not able to play the character you want. You are what you are, and still others see what they want. So we should have a skin of glass and let the blood flow against the smooth wall showing the pulse of your little anxiety. The heart could dance in a show for the public and the stomach to contract in explosions of acids. I could let the rain fall on me in the fall and slip into the joints to go back to being drop. Effect "wet T-shirt" I a little disappointing, but with a light bulb behind my back I would do my slut and macabre picture! It would be nice to finally reconcile the "inside" and "outside", perhaps hoping it will look like, perhaps hoping that many years have turned the car auscultation roughed what the chaos has given birth. However, the time of the doubt is gone and I can put on the shirt weaves flakes of pages of script and stereotype, but I never buttoned completely, I leave a button and buttonhole separated from the space enough to let slip a hand.

Photo: shelter under the house, November 7, 2010

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Difference Harcore And Metal

Thank you for your faces

Alla fine ci sono riusciti a convincermi e ho raccolto un po’ di foto da stampare che , anche in caso di tempesta magnetica, vorrei tenere. Ne è uscita una collezione di persone per me importanti, non cose, non luoghi. Eppure di “foto ricordo” ne scatto ben poche, ma in questa fase della mia vita voglio conservare questa memoria. Il pensiero però si è fissato alle persone di cui non ho la foto, di alcune di queste non potrò più averla. Di alcune vorrei mettermi subito alla caccia, anche se sarebbe insensato. Dovrei ricordarmelo: “nei momenti importanti bisogna fare foto”, solo che i momenti diventano importanti when fouling of emotions. Putting pictures in order of time I noticed how my friendships are not substantially changed, at best, we have expanded and polarized on some people with whom I spend much time with whom I have much in common. I also have photos of me, which surprises me because many do not know where you come from or who wrote it. My album will be a "cru" of friendly faces and a few pleasantries, with some funny expressions meaningless if you do not remember the context. Bello will review them together and revive the memory of the feeling then. After all shooting for that too.

photo: M. Abakanowciz, Pomodoro Foundation, June 2009

Friday, October 22, 2010

Funny Rehearsal Dinner Invitation Wording

Danger signals for greater distance

Every moment of our lives expand messages, such as a scent or the flashing of a warning signal. Again and again we repeat, not to mention, who we are or would like to be, and what we seek. A few of us expand messages so confused that the effect is to communicate the opposite. Our view, a detail of our clothing, the pose of the body, tone of voice we use to answer a question suddenly, they reveal a piece of us is under the bark. I'm not good at reading these messages, but I invented to incorporate hundreds of signals that may not exist. I wonder if they are good but unknowingly transmit my signal? That message that faint before reaching the consciousness of a casual observer is lost in large part, is altered, and leaves a trail atom must be interpreted. Are fascinating posts of the body. Some bodies allow them to speak for hours, some do not. Yet the image of us who unwittingly tramettere we often do not arrive, or decomposes and reaches tens of viewers in dozens of different ways. Like the light that draws the pictures that do not recognize, because our senses are not objective and build images are not real. As the first of the pyramids archaeologists try to make sense of the riddles of your look, your not that of your writing, the different cutting of hair and time it takes to travel one meter of asphalt. What I get is useless, except when the armor is laid, to become the material with which we build our dreams. It 's the you've built, is that I have closed, and from there you must try to escape.

Photo: Stresa, Isola dei Pescatori, 21 August 2010

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Chinese Bangs Hairstyle

know the words but not the remedy

"Mamihlapinatapei" is all I can think, think as it is written because the I can say. Crossing the look of a guy who might know, in fact we look but none of the two greeted each other, more "mamihlapinatapei. I think the brunette who failed to press the elevator button and looked at me apologetically, perhaps, with eyes burning, waiting for my comment maybe a nice, but I smiled, still mamihlapinatapei. I think there were a couple of things I should do, but I procrastinate, waiting for someone else to do that for many reasons, and is still mamihlapinatapei. This word comes from Patagonia that could be translated as the eyes of two people who want to start anything but both are reluctant to begin. I have lived so many moments and only for the fact that I still remember them means that, at least, I regret it. Yet not enough to remember similar incidents in the past because it does not happen again. It will be out of shyness or pride, fear or giving up the arrogance to discover the chest during the attack brings me to stall. This word that I discovered today replaces the idea of \u200b\u200bbeing in front of a tangle of wires, not those of a bomb that must be cut before the "zero", but those to be followed to unravel the tangle of thoughts and make order. Instead it is to contemplate the real estate mess, to follow the light that gets stuck in the wires and is unable to flow to the heart of the rump. Not only of what remains in the throat. This is called an impasse, because it alone can not be mamihlapinatapei.

photo: star center, 9 October 2010

Friday, October 1, 2010

How Much Do Dealers Save At Auctions

tales of hunting in the rain

I bet the alarm clock at 6:00 to get out in time to take photos during the dawn. I wanted to go to all the places I've noticed a couple of weeks ago when I was disarmed of the camera and the sun took me around showing me colors that I could not trap. When you have played without second thoughts and took a few minutes later I was out. With a ridiculous step I left home, without making any noise. Check the garage and meeting the neighbors, a couple who have the age of my parents and fall of ballroom dancing. "Not bad nightlife! "I think. I turn the car on the dashboard clock shows 1.12 am, I think "damn you are fucking the battery and I lost all the saved radio stations." Checking the time on the phone: "1.12 am". I can only laugh at me: the alarm had sounded, trill me I was dreaming! I go back to bed to wait for 5 long hours. Waves as the emblem of our ancestral family anxiety. But it is always worth at dawn outside, there is another world, with other colors and different people. My photography addiction is increasing and now beats like the best of my passions.

Photo: Luna Park in Novegro, October 2, 2010

Monday, September 27, 2010

Oovoo Cannot Find My Camera

I caught a bit of happiness into a melancholy, as the certainty of an existing but distant joy. I thought of a taste that remains on the lips as the train moves away.

Photo: September 2010, Milan

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Funny Anniversaries For Calendar

Ride The balance is necessarily incomplete

There are few things that complement each other and the transformation is the fate of the universe. Without the theory of the "Big Bang" lacks a logical explanation, even if it was erroneous to justify this move forward as driven by a shock wave. When you run out of this drive? Or we are not progressing in a linear manner but in a circular or chaotic? I thought of the film "The Birthday" by Marco Filiberti and the feeling of loss that I took at the end. Maybe it is not "my" but I raise my hat to a wonderful group of actors and a director who should be listed among the protagonists of the film. The story is incomplete, it is my feel it. The final scene trying to close an episode with a story that can not be closed and that my desire to return to curiosity about the secondary characters. Who is that couple who occasionally comes out? Because they seem so close and happy? They are exhibitionists boastful or represent the hope of happiness that should not ever die? Surely even the protagonists life does not reach an equilibrium but is transformed, or flake, and it becomes something else. So loneliness is a condition of minimum potential that allows for more balance? Or is the group that can support more stable? Patrizia Laquidara sings that balance is a miracle, and when it is both static and dynamic when, lying or high speed, in any case is always changing. Do not cheat, you must look down.

photo: mannequin sitting in a shop window in Via Fara, 18 September 2010

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

How To Get A Nugget In Pokemon Emarlad

Progetto socio-culturale nelle scuole della Svizzera Italiana


Durante lo scorso mese di novembre (2009), assieme ad alcuni amici giornalisti spagnoli, ho collaborato alla realizzazione di un documentario, Good luck for you everyday , a proposito di un orfanotrofio a Phnom Penh, in Cambogia.
Con loro ho passato alcuni giorni nella baraccopoli seguendo i bambini dell'istituto nelle loro attività. È stata un'esperienza incredibile, sia dal punto di vista umano che da quello professionale: sono docente e ho potuto vedere dinamiche tra i ragazzi che sarebbero il sogno di ogni docente ticinese. Ho conosciuto bambini che non and who do not have anything at all material from you, rich person in their eyes. Just a hug, a caress, a look of complicity and their face lights up sincere and bright smiles that make you literally melt your heart. These guys do not have anything, but you can give so much. An example of civilization and education to be envied.
This orphanage is run by a woman whom everyone calls Mama. In fact his name is Peng Phan, Cambodian actress is being passed through the purges of the Khmer Rouge regime (arrest, jail, etc.). And decided to dedicate his life to kids who have family situations disaster.
In a slum of Phnom Penh, near the French Embassy, \u200b\u200bopened an orphanage with makeshift equipment. It houses about thirty boys and girls ranging from 5 years to 17. NACA stands for National Action Associacion Culture, and the word Culture plays a fundamental role in this process.
addition to welcome these children into her home to give them a chance to go to school, Peng Phan offers real dance, music, singing and acting. His love for the recitation and art in general is incredible and dedication with infinite passion to convey to his pupils. Several times a week the boys will perform on the House boat cruises on the Mekong that are, or the central market, dances and songs inspired by the Khmer tradition. In practice, a multi-faceted company, with no small independence.

aim of the project

promote the documentary in schools in Ticino with the following general objectives :

  • explain a different social and cultural backgrounds to our students in Ticino.

  • Exploiting the high educational value of the documentary through discussion with students about the issues brought by the movie.

  • Create training sessions for discussion around issues related to childhood and youth.

  • give visibility to a reality like that of NACA

  • Show how you can export the skills acquired in Ticino school as a student and teacher.

The documentary

Title: Good Luck for You Every Day
Length: 60 min
Languages: Khmer with subtitles in Italian
Directors: Raul G attach Abellan, Marc Martinez Serrado
Producers: Raul Gallego Abellan , Angel Garcia
Editing: Marc Serrado Martinez, Rodolfo Scapozza
Trailer / site:

The story in brief

This documentary tells the story of a small orphanage Phnom Penh called NACA dell'icredibile adventure and tells of his personal manager, a woman, Phan Penh, miraculously survived the genocide of the Khmer Rouge. Against the backdrop of current Cambodian
are told the stories of seven characters belonging to NACA, touching issues concerning social, cultural, educational, professional, economic, historical, etc.. The
everyday life of a small institution that limps, dreams, hopes and problems of a people struggling to see the end of the tunnel, they are told by those who wear the cross on his shoulders to be born in Cambodia.

Issues brought by Good luck for you everyday

The precarious situation of children in reality à Cambodian :
  • Lack of parental figures
  • school situation
  • precarious hygiene and health as priorities
  • Child labor Child Prostitution
  • Droga
  • ecc.

L’importanza della cultura e dell’arte come mezzo di sopravvivenza e di speranza:
  • La scolarizzazione
  • Iniziative artistico-culturali
  • I risultati che si possono ottenere con la passione e l'impegno
  • I sogni
  • ecc.

Testimonianze dell’orrore dei Khmer Rossi durante gli anni ‘70
  • Durante il regime di Pol Pot
  • Conseguenze ancora visibili ai nostri giorni
  • ecc.

Difficoltà di sopravvivenza di realtà come N.A.C.A ai nostri giorni
  • difficulty in raising funds
  • Choices governmental
  • Other Case Study

Who is the project

The issues brought by Good luck for you are suitable for everyday for
  • Second cycle primary schools
  • Middle School High Schools (high school, trade ,...)
  • DFA
  • Vocational
It fits almost all types of orders and starting school the second cycle of primary schools.

Size groups

  • Classes Classes multiple individual
  • Institutes

topics to be developed will then be chosen according to age and interests of the classes will take part in the project.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Hard White Wart On Lip

Attività per SE


  • Duration of activity: approximately 3 hours

  • Brief Introduction
  • First hour: presentation of social and cultural situation of Cambodia ( contextualization of the documentary and the discussion of the third hour)
  • Seconda ora: visione documentario (57 min)
  • Pausa 15 min
  • Terza ora: discussione in ottica educativa sui temi portati dal documentario con riferimento alla nostra realtà e a quella cambogiana. Saranno presi in particolare considerazioni tematiche legate al vissuto dei ragazzi (sia cambogiani che svizzeri), come l'educazione, il gioco, le prospettive future, la famiglia, il mondo del lavoro, ecc.
    La scelta di queste tematiche verrà fatta tenedo in considerazione il gruppo che partecipa al progetto ( età e indirizzo della scuola).

  • Oltre che ai contenuti di spessore (pedagogici, educativi e culturali), l'intervento must also be seen in a didactic. During the discussion, I will appeal to the reading of the image, the theming and contextualization of sources. Through the problematization of those reached, with the students / pupils to conclusions that may relate to our situation, taking into consideration where you started the conversation (actually Cambodian).

Cost: 150 .- (a copy of the documentary and a hard copy of the dossier included)


  • are in possession of material required for the projection (beamer, screen, audio, pc) and the rest of the business.
  • If the place was equipped with a room suitable for screenings and lectures would be ideal, otherwise we'll make do with flexibility.
  • make available documents and files to support the various educational activities. This material can also be used for further development activities in the classroom if there was interest.

Dossier available

Bone Cancer Of The Ankles

left with a bed in a hurry Let

Fragile è la definizione di casa, in bilico tra dove si abita e dove si vorrebbe vivere. Spesso è un luogo indefinito, e i più fortunati trovano la propria casa dentro se stessi e possono vivere ovunque. La mia casa è un progetto che cerca di assomigliarmi, che cerca di farsi riconoscere da chi mi conosce. Forse è qualche cosa di atavico: la ricerca del primo abbraccio appena nati, quel dolce conforto dopo un brusco strappo dalla pace. Eppure c’è chi vive senza casa, alla continua ricerca o alla continua fuga. C’è chi vive negli alberghi del “chi va là”, con la paura che i propri piedi possano essere imprigionati roots. Yet thousands of homes have new guests, thousands of houses built along roadsides, in meadows, woods, along the coasts. Good things become bad things like houses called "green monster" that would be better to call illogical. Each house is something new that is born and something old that disappears is not progress or even evolution, it seems almost a mitotic architecture.
The house is a lot of nothing, a place abandoned and hostile, a collection of items picked up that the previous owners treated it as a waste. These are homes that we must be ready to run fast. These are houses built in the corners, often the center of a major European city. An infinity of invisible and homes without land, sad and annoying when you meet the moral, the same morality that is based on the tale of a king born in a cave. People can not be judged from the house where they live, but from what they know to be comfortable for those who come to visit them.

pictures: Milan, September 11, 2010, abandoned garage.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

μοτορολα W470

Attività per SME e scuole superiori


  • Duration of activity: about 4 hours

  • Brief Introduction
  • First hour: presentation of the Cambodian social and cultural context (contextualization of documentary and discussion of the third hour)
  • Second hour: Vision documentary (57 min)
  • Break 15 min
  • Third hour: discussion about educational issues brought to light in the documentary with reference to our reality and the Cambodian. Will be given special consideration issues related to the experience of the boys (both Cambodians Swiss), such as education, play and future prospects, the family, the workplace, etc..
    The choice of these issues will fatta tenedo in considerazione il gruppo che partecipa al progetto ( età e indirizzo della scuola).
  • Quarta ora a scelta:
    • 1)Presentazione di un progetto per l'implementazione di un educatore/docente professionista presso un struttura come N.A.C.A.
    • 2)Thailandia/Cambogia: così vicine eppure così lontane. Alcuni aspetti confronto di due paesi confinanti nel panorama del Sud Est Asiatico.
    • 3)Camicie Rosse? Chi sono? Che cosa vogliono?
      Intervento a proposito di ciò che è successo questa primavera a Bangkok.

  • Oltre che ai contenuti di spessore (pedagogici, educational and cultural), the intervention must also be seen in a didactic. During the discussion, I will appeal to the reading of the image, the theming and contextualization of sources. Through the problematization of those reached, with the students / pupils to conclusions that may relate to our situation, taking into consideration where you started the conversation (actually Cambodian).

Cost: 200 .- (a copy of the documentary and a hard copy of the two files included)


  • are in possession the equipment required for the projection (beamer, screen, audio, pc) and the rest of the business.
  • If the place was equipped with a room suitable for screenings and lectures would be ideal, otherwise we'll make do with flexibility.
  • make available documents and files to support the various educational activities. This material can also be used for further activities in the classroom scviluppo if there was interest.

Dossiers available

Chronic Rhabdomyolysis

a final bacio prima di andare

Let the taste of my own to exaggerate, to magnify the little monster just a shadow and make a giant. Let me use the metaphor I do not like war as a likeness of the everyday, the rest as best as I can describe this ever-present sense of insecurity biological, emotional and behavioral. As a sniper lurking, the next moment might be the last. Like lovers do not stop kissing each other? Why quit?
Like a stray dog \u200b\u200bI cling to the bowl, would not there be another tomorrow. I stop to watch the silvery reflection of my armor design pentagonal section beams against the wall of a shabby alley and, before I go, I think that there is no choice: we must die to live.

photo: Chess, August 2010

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Prelox Canada Toronto Stores

Come iscriversi

On the right side of the page you will find a calendar with the dates available that is updated daily, so you can see where I am and when.
In terms of environmental impact, it would be interesting to combine the offices of morning and afternoon in order to limit travel between the various schools.
's why I put the calendar with the seats. So you can pick your own date in a more targeted way, taking into account the environmental factor.


1. Choose a date suitable to your home looking at the calendar (dates are exhausted by the end of 2010, as from January 2011 should start with a new project).
2. Send me an email with the date you choose, your info about your school (type of school / class, many students), your contact (mail + telephone) and eventali questions.
3. I will give you confirmation of the date, I will answer your questions and will update the calendar by adding your institution.
4. A week before the meeting will take with you to work out the details.