Let the taste of my own to exaggerate, to magnify the little monster just a shadow and make a giant. Let me use the metaphor I do not like war as a likeness of the everyday, the rest as best as I can describe this ever-present sense of insecurity biological, emotional and behavioral. As a sniper lurking, the next moment might be the last. Like lovers do not stop kissing each other? Why quit?
Like a stray dog \u200b\u200bI cling to the bowl, would not there be another tomorrow. I stop to watch the silvery reflection of my armor design pentagonal section beams against the wall of a shabby alley and, before I go, I think that there is no choice: we must die to live.
photo: Chess, August 2010
Like a stray dog \u200b\u200bI cling to the bowl, would not there be another tomorrow. I stop to watch the silvery reflection of my armor design pentagonal section beams against the wall of a shabby alley and, before I go, I think that there is no choice: we must die to live.
photo: Chess, August 2010
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