- Duration of activity: about 4 hours
- Brief Introduction
- First hour: presentation of the Cambodian social and cultural context (contextualization of documentary and discussion of the third hour)
- Second hour: Vision documentary (57 min)
- Break 15 min
- Third hour: discussion about educational issues brought to light in the documentary with reference to our reality and the Cambodian. Will be given special consideration issues related to the experience of the boys (both Cambodians Swiss), such as education, play and future prospects, the family, the workplace, etc..
The choice of these issues will fatta tenedo in considerazione il gruppo che partecipa al progetto ( età e indirizzo della scuola). - Quarta ora a scelta:
- 1)Presentazione di un progetto per l'implementazione di un educatore/docente professionista presso un struttura come N.A.C.A.
- 2)Thailandia/Cambogia: così vicine eppure così lontane. Alcuni aspetti confronto di due paesi confinanti nel panorama del Sud Est Asiatico.
- 3)Camicie Rosse? Chi sono? Che cosa vogliono?
Intervento a proposito di ciò che è successo questa primavera a Bangkok.
- Oltre che ai contenuti di spessore (pedagogici, educational and cultural), the intervention must also be seen in a didactic. During the discussion, I will appeal to the reading of the image, the theming and contextualization of sources. Through the problematization of those reached, with the students / pupils to conclusions that may relate to our situation, taking into consideration where you started the conversation (actually Cambodian).
Cost: 200 .- (a copy of the documentary and a hard copy of the two files included)
- are in possession the equipment required for the projection (beamer, screen, audio, pc) and the rest of the business.
- If the place was equipped with a room suitable for screenings and lectures would be ideal, otherwise we'll make do with flexibility.
- make available documents and files to support the various educational activities. This material can also be used for further activities in the classroom scviluppo if there was interest.
Dossiers available

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