Saturday, December 18, 2010

Chinese Bangs, Weaves

Morning frost in winter

Today I have made peace and snow. I had brought her down yesterday afternoon slow, but moving from side to not impede traffic. He told me to "rest and tomorrow will be sunny, so it was. I knew inside of me, though I peered weather forecasts, which would maintain the commitment and called me this morning. He left Sun to its highest place and cold wind all the space around, she is lying idle on the ground that had been soft and has let go, I would like a skin, turn back to look at the signs that I leave. The games are small footprints in the snow with the past, notes written on a bar napkin because someone, perhaps, find them. I laughed until cold and the snow was smiling, we also talked about projects together, ideas from other games. I do not know when it will happen again that we exalt in our synchronous whims.

Photo: Oasis Carengione, December 18, 2010


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