Sunday, February 27, 2011

How To Put Head On Another Body

"evidence suggests ..."

train Libyan
Danish railways have in their fleet a number of high speed diesel trains designed and built in Italy by Ansaldo Breda : company owned by Finmeccanica.
happens in Libya has recently appeared out of nowhere a train outside and mechanically identical to the trains in Denmark, but furnished, as it were, in Gaddafi style: with carpets, chairs, and a kind of throne in what appears to be a sort of hall of honor crews.
the hall of honor
has been Usually the whim of the dictator's first lady, you may think, but just read the translation (rough like a machine translator, but very clear on some points) of this article a magazine transport engineering Danish
evidence suggests that the train is a gift from Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi to the Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi.
train Danish
continue the international success of knight.
at our expense , as always.


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