Wednesday, February 23, 2011

How To Do A Brazilian

Valle Giulia

Valle Giulia, on the right (east) side of the Tiber
in 1911 was celebrated the first anniversary of the proclamation of the Italian state (and the unification of Italy): a turin a ' international exhibition in Rome with the inauguration of the' altar of the fatherland or monument vittorio emanuele second (after the great war that also housed the Unknown Soldier), and the ' International Art Exhibition held at the military camp in meadows and Milvian Bridge (which later became the district's victory ) and Valle Giulia (which was connected to the first revival of the new bridge built for the ' opportunity and still exists).
spontaneous and here is a question: What will be the third year for the fiftieth anniversary? if there is already much you remember.
downstream giulia were then gradually built up a number of foreign academies, and schools of architecture (the first in Italy) that now bears the name of the valley and is part of the University of wisdom.
the valley, which is a compluvium in the hills north of paris and ruffo villa in the south, and that flowed into the Tiber, more or less where today stands the resurgence of the bridge, named after Pope Julius third, that there is built by Vignola the villa takes its name from him.
Academy of Austria, the Japanese, and right down
Villa Giulia
because of the presence of a Renaissance villa, and the large park adjacent to the Villa Borghese, which was then renamed villa umberto in memory of King of the same name, was chosen to build an urban open-ended, with buildings that are arranged discretely on the slopes of the hills. and while the exhibition was installed with temporary stands at the center of the valley, the arrangements and produced side from the beginning were meant to be permanent, first of all that the National Gallery of Modern Art .
was later completed with the construction of other branches of academia, including that of Austria and Japan, most recently of all, which overlooks the valley to peak almost at the Villa Giulia.
Villa Poniatowski
ma quello che per me è il gioiello più prezioso è la piccola villa poniatowski , sul versante a sud tra villa giulia e la via flaminia: opera del valadier , e oggi parte del museo etrusco (ma ancora chiusa), si arrampica sulla collina con il suo corpo di fabbrica allungato, la cui facciata principale con il loggiato panoramico sembra invitare a ricambiarne lo sguardo.


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