Saturday, February 26, 2011

Computer Emulate Usb Drive

Proposal dream

Essert I would try to help a little trip, you may recall that as a dream, if you want it to remember. I'll take you to the streets, pretending not to have missed, but it will be a lie because I always lose. I get lost because every time I look at the buildings, open spaces them, the details, with new eyes, or at least I try. Hopefully there is fog, even if it was summer. I need to hide the lower part of the buildings, the windows, the millions of clothing stores, and I also need to create a little 'surprise because things do not all come together. If I had time to prepare for the employment of actors, with dazzling costumes to show you how I see things. Of how people appear in surprise me even before my eyes. Do not be afraid for the monstrosity it is only their predominant feature, perhaps at the end are good, but who cares, as I see them like that. The fairies zompettanti you can ignore them. Even the furry animals with many legs, they are fast, run away as soon as observed. Note the origins we are all, with all the languages \u200b\u200band cuisines. Maybe I'm exaggerating because there are no cars parked on the second row. Or maybe it's already past my army punisher? As in reality, even here the buildings are all different from each other, note the decorations on the walls, the hallways, door. I hope you caught the great number of buildings with curved facades, no sharp edges, as if to accompany the curves of the road or the abundances of the squares. And 'round this city, if you turn a corner you may not know where to check. Now I have to decide where to start exploring, if the metropolitan cathedral because his face will appear at once soft and majestic, or terraced houses in an area almost central. They are cute, small, colored, seem a flock of baby shaking. Maybe you want to start from out of town and slowly savor the crossing of roads circular, like the descent into the layers of a cake. Unfortunately it is a journey that can not be done on an outing alone, imagine this city as an undemonstrative woman, who does not speak for herself but to small clues, often frequently the first to learn the code of its language.

pictures: the exhibition "A lot of people a single fight in 2011", Milan, February 26, 2011, exhibition of the Basque group. More photos of the day.


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