Sunday, February 27, 2011

How To Put Head On Another Body

"evidence suggests ..."

train Libyan
Danish railways have in their fleet a number of high speed diesel trains designed and built in Italy by Ansaldo Breda : company owned by Finmeccanica.
happens in Libya has recently appeared out of nowhere a train outside and mechanically identical to the trains in Denmark, but furnished, as it were, in Gaddafi style: with carpets, chairs, and a kind of throne in what appears to be a sort of hall of honor crews.
the hall of honor
has been Usually the whim of the dictator's first lady, you may think, but just read the translation (rough like a machine translator, but very clear on some points) of this article a magazine transport engineering Danish
evidence suggests that the train is a gift from Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi to the Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi.
train Danish
continue the international success of knight.
at our expense , as always.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Computer Emulate Usb Drive

Proposal dream

Essert I would try to help a little trip, you may recall that as a dream, if you want it to remember. I'll take you to the streets, pretending not to have missed, but it will be a lie because I always lose. I get lost because every time I look at the buildings, open spaces them, the details, with new eyes, or at least I try. Hopefully there is fog, even if it was summer. I need to hide the lower part of the buildings, the windows, the millions of clothing stores, and I also need to create a little 'surprise because things do not all come together. If I had time to prepare for the employment of actors, with dazzling costumes to show you how I see things. Of how people appear in surprise me even before my eyes. Do not be afraid for the monstrosity it is only their predominant feature, perhaps at the end are good, but who cares, as I see them like that. The fairies zompettanti you can ignore them. Even the furry animals with many legs, they are fast, run away as soon as observed. Note the origins we are all, with all the languages \u200b\u200band cuisines. Maybe I'm exaggerating because there are no cars parked on the second row. Or maybe it's already past my army punisher? As in reality, even here the buildings are all different from each other, note the decorations on the walls, the hallways, door. I hope you caught the great number of buildings with curved facades, no sharp edges, as if to accompany the curves of the road or the abundances of the squares. And 'round this city, if you turn a corner you may not know where to check. Now I have to decide where to start exploring, if the metropolitan cathedral because his face will appear at once soft and majestic, or terraced houses in an area almost central. They are cute, small, colored, seem a flock of baby shaking. Maybe you want to start from out of town and slowly savor the crossing of roads circular, like the descent into the layers of a cake. Unfortunately it is a journey that can not be done on an outing alone, imagine this city as an undemonstrative woman, who does not speak for herself but to small clues, often frequently the first to learn the code of its language.

pictures: the exhibition "A lot of people a single fight in 2011", Milan, February 26, 2011, exhibition of the Basque group. More photos of the day.

Over Her Knee Hairbrush

england news front (or the international success of the rider) was

by republic

Friday, February 25, 2011

Jobs For Speech Disorder Major

summer (born this way)

exists blog that collects pictures of children by gay and lesbian people (2-12 years), that since the title is meant to recall the fact that homosexuals can not become, so that already from childhood behaviors, events and choices are revealing: born this way, precisely. for all but for the parents, almost always, by contrast, do not capture the true meaning of all this, but rather document it precisely with the opposite intention, to normalize the pretext estrus and moments of sympathy that might otherwise be an embarrassment.
many of the stories accompanying the photos are touching, very funny, revealing all that really understood the characters better than anyone what was going on, even if you do not have the tools to express cultural and emotional. and above all that we almost never self-censorship, in fact, they put out just those features which, moreover, as older children, there would have been ashamed.
for me, I put my picture here a while when I was five years: it was summer, in the spa town of which came from my mother at a table in a bar. we were the whole family, parents, my brother and I: all four sat in metal chairs in those chrome sixties were a part of modernity.
just me, however, crossed her legs (and, I must admit, in a very flirtatious).

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namely: brilliant animal rights campaign launched in three languages \u200b\u200bby PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) to invite them to sterilize their pets.
(from here ).

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

How To Do A Brazilian

Valle Giulia

Valle Giulia, on the right (east) side of the Tiber
in 1911 was celebrated the first anniversary of the proclamation of the Italian state (and the unification of Italy): a turin a ' international exhibition in Rome with the inauguration of the' altar of the fatherland or monument vittorio emanuele second (after the great war that also housed the Unknown Soldier), and the ' International Art Exhibition held at the military camp in meadows and Milvian Bridge (which later became the district's victory ) and Valle Giulia (which was connected to the first revival of the new bridge built for the ' opportunity and still exists).
spontaneous and here is a question: What will be the third year for the fiftieth anniversary? if there is already much you remember.
downstream giulia were then gradually built up a number of foreign academies, and schools of architecture (the first in Italy) that now bears the name of the valley and is part of the University of wisdom.
the valley, which is a compluvium in the hills north of paris and ruffo villa in the south, and that flowed into the Tiber, more or less where today stands the resurgence of the bridge, named after Pope Julius third, that there is built by Vignola the villa takes its name from him.
Academy of Austria, the Japanese, and right down
Villa Giulia
because of the presence of a Renaissance villa, and the large park adjacent to the Villa Borghese, which was then renamed villa umberto in memory of King of the same name, was chosen to build an urban open-ended, with buildings that are arranged discretely on the slopes of the hills. and while the exhibition was installed with temporary stands at the center of the valley, the arrangements and produced side from the beginning were meant to be permanent, first of all that the National Gallery of Modern Art .
was later completed with the construction of other branches of academia, including that of Austria and Japan, most recently of all, which overlooks the valley to peak almost at the Villa Giulia.
Villa Poniatowski
ma quello che per me è il gioiello più prezioso è la piccola villa poniatowski , sul versante a sud tra villa giulia e la via flaminia: opera del valadier , e oggi parte del museo etrusco (ma ancora chiusa), si arrampica sulla collina con il suo corpo di fabbrica allungato, la cui facciata principale con il loggiato panoramico sembra invitare a ricambiarne lo sguardo.

How Much Ambien Can I Take Drunk

diet and muscle

ormai da un bel po' di tempo cerco di evitare di mangiare carne e pesce: non ne compro più, e la mangio solo per non mettere in imbarazzo chi mi ospita e prepara pietanze di quel tipo. tempo fa, per esempio, un amico preparò appositamente una matriciana, con tanto di vero guanciale, e che facevo gliela lasciavo nel piatto? era pure ottima...
del resto, trovare carne buona, pesce fresco e sano, è diventata un'impresa: nemmeno il prezzo alto garantisce più la qualità. e questo fatto, sommato con la tendenza già in atto ad evitare comunque di cibarmi di cadaveri , mi ha dato la spinta decisiva. non mi ritengo, come dicevo sopra, vegetariano : non ne faccio una questione di principio, né tantomeno di fede; semplicemente ho adottato un orientamento alimentare diverso.
ma ieri, alla cassa del supermercato, c'era, davanti a me, un signore with the packaging of meat stew, sliced, steaks. I had as a gesture of disgust to see those pieces of muscle, which could be seen for what could be any animal, including humans.
you muscles human you eat them?

Monday, February 21, 2011

Best Mid Theatre Receiver


the home page of wikipedia in China today.
according to the translation I did google says
"February 15 - the district court ruled in Milan, Italy, Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi (figure), will be arrested for sex with children in the study 6 April. "

How To Thank A Football Coach

who is so much per pound

the government and parliament is now reduced to a doormat, are trying to sell so much per pound to the Catholic Church in exchange for the rights of Italians the support of a despot. It is as if someone is selling our house and pocketing the money for us. is like a speck of Toto which sells the Trevi Fountain to an unsuspecting immigrant in america (always returns to the discourse on migration, looks a bit '). only here there is nothing to laugh about.
the concept is clear: they sell our wills, church silent about the scandalous conduct of the knight (where there are not any outrageous partying, but that does not resign), and then those who want to do as he pleases.
are not usually offer to sign appeals, but this time the suggestion I'll do.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

How Much Are Mechadolls

slowly, the house home

one of the ceramic plates of Peter de laurentiis
the watchword is: abolish the rules. and this is now the center also agree that not only supports, but proposes privatization rain. the rules will individuals, decide how, where and how; and the when, the answer is when will want.
abolish the rules is not enough: it is good to go through the fact that public intervention has to disappear, and no longer be a factor in competition, and therefore dampening action against the private sector.
I am convinced that health, education, transport and housing (designed this program as housing ) activities are to be given to the public purse, such as justice or the administration, why are sectors in which profit is a distortion, where the market is an injustice.
for the truth, in Italy, thanks to the notorious Article 41 of the Constitution, Until not many years ago (though many, actually), even the housing sector was public or private : the great age of plan ina-house it was the apotheosis qualitative, that the apotheosis of the IACP quantitative. and when the quality collapsed, rather than ask why and find solutions, the answer was the abolition, pure and simple plans of public housing.
the plan ina-house was the opportunity (as fanfani launched by Democrats and the pyre, then sponsored a bit 'all the others) to give work to the construction companies, to construction workers, engineers to design and construction; was the field testing of new techniques and solutions, which took into account the state of the art building, but they proposed a common path to revival through innovation and experimentation, real value added of ' construction industry (who now prefers to rent and real estate) was the natural evolution of building plans undertaken during the years of fascist dictatorship in the new context of freedom and social mobility.
today, of course, a government and a political vision chaired and dominated by a man who began as a building contractor can not pursue the path that is following: with the consequence of loss of control the territory, once it is given (unregulated) private initiative.
is also why an entrepreneur is not good as chairman of the board (and if you remember who offers even a Montezemolo ...).
(the image is taken from here )

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here because if you were to vote tomorrow to win again. to pretend nothing is the secret: to act as if nothing had happened, and therefore it is not. certainly in bad faith, however, insist on paying initiatives like this, has his back. and even if the recipients of dual-format posters that cover rome (the face of the advertising plan much-vaunted by Alemannic) even if we reflect a moment passes, however, the automated message that he is for normality, for the people, for values, for all that reassuring you can imagine in the world.
here, the desire for reassurance, this is the engine that still choose him as the mobilization, the indignation, the reactivity proposed by the opposition to scare a population of animals.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Dark Brown Almost Black Stool

Molecular Biology Database List

Published in the journal Nucleic Acids Research 1999, vol.27, No.1 , the article "Molecular Biology Database List " contains a list of websites disciplines. Despite being dated, is quoted by Sue Eipert as a useful resource for researchers in the web page FUMSI of November 1, 2010 ( The article of Eipert entitled " Curated information: What It Means for Researchers" analyze this and other resources (such as magazine Database, ) and deserves 'perusal.

also interesting introductory article to research on Patents FUMSI appeared on the February 2, 2011

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apple pie

apple pie is one of several classics of homemade pastries: it is so grandmother's kitchen, and picnic in the countryside.
a more used (and I like less) is made with apple slices placed over the mixture, in which the apples are cooked directly in the heat of the oven and crispy fried or otherwise.
the other, I propose here, is one in which the apples are part of the mix, and dissolve almost completely in this, giving flavor and texture.
recipe taught me R. which in turn had read the book Vissani on Friday republic: and every time he makes (or that we do it together) is a success.

apples, 2 eggs

1 kg sugar, 150 g
butter, 50 g
flour, 180 g
milk, 100 g
lemon, bread crumbs, baking powder

whisk the eggs with sugar, add the grated lemon peel, milk and melted butter. incorporate the flour, and yeast. let stand for at least thirty minutes. Meanwhile, peel the apples, cut into cubes, and then incorporated. pour into a buttered mold and sprinkled with bread crumbs, and bake at 180 degrees for 40 minutes.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

How Come I Cant Save My Data On My Emulator

PubMed and Beyond - Articolo da Leggere

Reported by fellow Americans, this article was published last month in the online magazine "open access"
Database (Oxford) 2011, baq036
This article is a review of 28 research instruments based on data from MEDLINE. The author is a researcher at the National Center for Biotechnology Information, which is a division of the National Library of Medicine. PubMed

Chitty Chitty Death Bang Horse

MeSH di PubMed - Tutorial

updated the page of his MeSH thesaurus and changed the way the search for a quick update also consult the tutorial:
Searching with the MeSH Database / bsd/viewlet/mesh/searching/mesh1.html (3 min., February 2011) Combining
MeSH Terms Using the MeSH Database (3 min., February 2011)
Applying Subheadings and Other Features of the MeSH Database (3 min., February 2011)

PubMed Online Training page find all the latest tutorials

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

How Best To Wire A 5.1

not say cat ...

be 'still in the bag is not here but to see the titles of foreign newspapers all together is some hope for more.

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will happen to you

of this ' interview with Bersani is a bit' as when you sell something and make the first note that it was proposed that, if you decide that you could deal with another: that is true or not.
but in the end we are left with those who cheated is always' buyer .

Monday, February 14, 2011

Wife Suprised Deepthroat

article eighty

"art. 88 - President of the Republic may, after consultation with the their presidents, dissolve the rooms or even one of them. may not exercise this right during the last six months of his term, except when they coincide in whole or in part with the last six months of the legislature. "
so the constitution.
" the constitution still states that no formal crisis Government to stop an advance term that the president must consult s ia the Chairmen of the Boards that the Chairman of the Board . "
so the rider.
maybe, before the Jura mountains, if he could also read.

Eggs And Overactive Thyroid

Kisses full moon

Rotate as satellites in the light of our natural satellite. The water bounces between the Moon and our meat, a silver tie that binds men and women, their stories, their hardships, many softness, femininity, which covers everything. If it were not for a friendly suggestion to Hannah I'd lost something important. Now I am grateful because I have a debt. The people outside the theater looking for the tickets at any price "was right, as they were right who grabbed the hundred standing passengers. Do not think I know the ballet, and do not know if this is a ballet, a dance theater. The actors dance and do it with moves that would not have even imagined; ma recitano e lo fanno con tutto il corpo, con la scenografia, con l’uso dello spazio e a volte anche della voce. Ci sono piccoli gesti che mi hanno fatto sussultare sulla poltrona, altri hanno rapito la mia fantasia e sono andati a riposare nella lista dei desideri. Posso solo tentare di descrivere il gesto ma non l’effetto che da l'appoggiare il capo sul ventre di una donna e il suo corpo si avvolge intorno, ed entrambi scivolano a terra in un’unica forma. Il gesto del bacio, ripetuto, martellante, percussivo, non lungo ma molteplice. Enormi rappresentazioni di gesti piccoli, eleganti dialoghi fatti di corpi, che sarebbe bello riuscire a mettere nel discorso di ogni giorno.

Foto: Vollmond Pina Bausch [Interval] - Teatro Strehler - Milan, February 13, 2011

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Tech Deck Ramps At Walmart

the end of the world

two years ago, on the occasion of Valentine's Day, a friend introduced me to this song, and especially this video (to see to the end, with attention from minute 3 onwards). and even if it is true that Valentine's Day is a superstructure consumerist etc etc, however now my turn and I want to dedicate it to all repeat, they have a half or that (as I wish all of them) will have the following .

Bogen Manfrotto 3011 B

give the numbers of plastic

outside the door
already in the subway you could tell that was not the usual Sunday rub: so many people, more and more, which in Piazzale Flaminio is spilled on the docks and up the stairs. and off the flow of people toward the door interrupted the traffic to and from the wrong wall, or you could enter by the door of the happy and auspicious entrance . I went around to the side access ramps from the Tiber, and even there it was hard to get to the level of the square. so that not only was crowded, but people overflowing on all three points of the trident as well as crowded on the walls and buttresses that surround all sides of the reservoir valadier (which for me is the most beautiful square in the world ). stuff-up the numbers: and so now we give them without delay, even after gentle friend request cacioman .
or binetti or Minetti
the square itself, measuring about 16,000 square feet: as I said last time, and reported of entry in wikipedia (but I calculated and I quote) to 4 persons per square meter (value to be used, inter alia, to calculate the theoretical amount of standing in public transportation: While we were crowded - not at all theoretically - like on a bus at rush hour) are already 65,000 Capoccia. It is true that part of the square was occupied by the stage and its appurtenances, but it is also true that the four flights were packed behind Parliament's chambers, and the three streets for a good chunk of the trident. besides the fact that outside the door, as I mentioned, the crowd was already up in the middle of Piazzale Flaminio, and there were people even on the terrace on the Pincio.
the stage
and this without counting the rotations, then.
so, 65,000 is the minimum: you might even venture 90 or 100 thousand. the population of Viterbo, but to arezzo or altarpiece.
short, a great success and people were of all types, all ages, all walks of life. some, returning home through the streets of downtown I met the kind of shopping , that everything he strafregano, always had something to do, but the radical-chic few if anything they were.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Pokemon Para Mini Iphone

could not sleep last night: I was awake at five, after I fell asleep almost one o'clock. stomach pain, unnatural thirst, nausea and a sense of oppression.
Yesterday, in a fit of meanness, I have been shopping at Lidl back home is the nearest supermarket, and the propaganda of the low prices (which is largely true at all) did the rest. I bought, among other things, a smoked cheese that I had thought of doing on the grid thing I've done so many times, but scamorze comme il faut. This, however, already opened was strange: not because it was rotten, that it would then be passed directly from the package to rusco , but because he had a consistency of soggy and greasy that I should have already suspicious . but I, tetragon and tenacious, I am told that they were tutti pregiudizi, e sono andato avanti: direttamente sulla griglia bella calda.
ma ecco il secondo avvertimento: anziché compattarsi e diventare morbida sì, ma consistente, si è sciolta sulla sua stessa crosta, che si è immediatamente formata sulla faccia inferiore: tanto che le quattro fette in cui l'avevo divisa si sono unite in un unico piastrone molliccio, che solo dopo un po' si è rappreso e asciugato in misura tale che potesse essere trasferito nel piatto: operazione, nonostante tutto, sempre realizzata con qualche difficoltà, dato che la crosta, contrariamente all'usuale, non voleva staccarsi dalla piastra.
l'ho mangiata ugualmente: ma mi tornava alla mente la canzone della cantantessa , referred to in the title of the post, which had suffered recently. and tonight I am sorry sadly.
not want to be a unit against a company that has its raison d'etre, which employs a lot 'of people, and whose outlets are frequented by immigrants and retirees in search of business; nor the last to denigrate or disparage the former, but I do think that we do not set foot.