Friday, March 11, 2011

A.s.d More Condition_symptoms

Last Tribe beer

Mi ricordo che ero con Paolo, che faceva freddo e che c’era un po’ di nebbia. Con qualche difficoltà la trovammo in quel cortile anonimo dietro un piccolo market. La prima persona che mi rivolse la parola fu Claudia che mi chiese “come ci avete trovato?”, io innocentemente gli dissi “ci sono volantini appesi ovunque”, “ah, qualcuno allora li guarda!” concluse. Pensavo fosse un’espressione ironica, ma divenne il leitmotiv per 16 anni. Sono passati 16 anni e in questi giorni chiuderà. Era nata come associazione giovanile, divenne di tutto, tra cui C.S.A. (centro sociale affittato). L’unico suo obiettivo era rigenerarsi, cercando sempre forze nuove, dando risorse a chi aveva idee, cercando di rompere il dualismo “io e la mia tv”. Ci passai 10 anni, quando ancora non c’era il bagno, forse i 10 anni più intensi della mia vita. Io che non ho mai frequentato le compagnie in quel posto trovai una tribù di gente come me, eppure molto diversa da me. Non so elencare le cose che ho imparato, di sicuro la forza del gruppo e il limite del gruppo. Se penso a tutte le persone incontrate, alle parole spese, alle idee buttate e quelle realizzate: mi vengono le vertigini e mi sento vecchio. Quante infinite discussioni, riunioni, organizzazioni; alla fine questo organismo non è più riuscito a rigenerarsi e si è nutrito di sé stesso. Non chiude scomparendo, ma AM on the last action resulting article of its charter what I thought when I read "is only a hypothesis put there for duty." What the auction closing will not assign me are the feelings of many living things, he can not leave it to others is the sense of belonging to a large tribe, extended such as youth, free like the dream.

Photo: "The last, really," March 11, 2011. Here other.

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the bridge of the Renaissance

hundred years ago, as today is the sesquicentennial, we celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of the proclamation of the national state. will be that the state still had the original form of monarchy, will be the rhetoric of the last century, but the celebrations were also a materialization in urban works and which are still enduring.
already I mentioned the arrangement of Valle Giulia, and do trait d'union of the district with the new model was built on the right bank of the Tiber, and then it would be called of victory after 1918, and more generally victories to date, was thrown a bridge that, besides being beautiful, was the application of a new construction system that only just looked on the European landscape construction: concrete.
the bridge has a span of only a hundred meters of rope was designed by and implemented by the Hennebique Porqueddu, as stated in the plaque on the bridge itself. the elegance of the line of the arch, the new clean design, the simplicity of the decoration, make it still a masterpiece unsurpassed, which remade the next to the Ponte Duca d'Aosta , made almost three decades later as part of arrangement of the Foro Italico.
closed for a consolidation in the seventies, diverted the tramline over it, was further restored in the following years, and still performs a vital task for the entire north face of the historical center of Rome.
this year but there will be only lamentations Po.
we went back a hundred years.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

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a suspect legislates on justice.
apart from considerations on the merits, if nothing else is a matter of good taste (the same evenings arcorizzate with jokes bunga-bunga ).
but evidently also the policy deve adeguarsi al livello delle trasmissioni televisive tipo grande fratello o amici .
o forse possiamo dire che scende (non in campo , ma in basso) ancora di più: e pensare che una volta i politici venivano eletti , ovvero salivano in politica.
altri tempi, signora mia.

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not know about you, but I ...

non so voi, ma io mi sono rotto le palle di un paese come il nostro, dove il governo, o meglio, l'omarino che tutto manda (e attorno a cui c'è il vuoto più completo, nella maggioranza come nell'opposizione), fa il bello e il cattivo tempo a will.
where you will be forced to survive even if you do not want, where a lot of people are deprived of the right to have legal rights that come from wanting to share their lives, where wealth is protected most of the work, which satisfy the greed of oltretevere first is the most basic rights, because it serves to maintain a nabob in the palace that is only because this has trampled the rights and duties (although for those there would be enough to say Just say the word and we would be saved ).
but say it is useless: our hands are tied, tight-lipped, eyes capped ...

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

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the curia, Prof. gay, and the usual bread to soak

Genesio petrucci
for me it is absurd to teach religion in school (and I say school just because it is equally absurd that there are schools that are not public), but because it is so, and given that religion teachers come to depend not on the ministry but by the bishop, it is equally absurd and protest indignarsi del fatto che un insegnante di religione è stato licenziato perché apertamente omosessuale e per di più ha appoggiato l'iniziativa del suo preside di distribuire i preservativi a scuola.
genesio petrucci lo conosco personalmente, anche se non bene: sono quelle conoscenze dovute al fatto che roma è come un paese , e massimamente nei giri definiti. ma lo conosco abbastanza per poter sapere benissimo che non è così ingenuo da pensare che contravvenire a una norma contrattuale come quella che lega gli insegnanti della sua materia possa essere senza conseguenze. e in effetti è evidente che la sua è stata una provocazione spinta anche dal fatto che di tutta quella situazione He had filled the boxes for some time.
with Fabrizio Marrazzo of gaycenter
what I do not like is all the embroidery mock indignation that we have built over the usual suspects, always very adept at exploiting voracity of the press on these issues to give visibility.
and suck all the attention around him and to their efforts, they never hesitate to exploit any event to be seen in the front row.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Save the clown

not all the fault of Stephen King if a little 'I'm scared of clowns, he has only led to the paradox that should be a figure of fun, funny, superstitious. Nor is it the fault of Heinrich Böll and the shower of melancholy that I overthrew him. Maybe a little 'to William Shakespeare has put them to dig ditches or to that Jerry Lewis was making them laugh cry. Deep inside me uneasy, with their faces extreme form of Greek, but I draw like a little pain or danger controlled. I fear them because they are unpredictable, their comedy is total representation of the misfortunes of human nature. Certain act, but they do so using the public. A clown is someone who paints a mask on his face and then it is, is a caricature of a moment, but is also a bearer of truth, a kind of mirror. The clown, the clown, was hit hard to leave the laughter, but the shot must be precise because he was talking against. It was a little 'warrior, enemy of the courtier. The courtiers of today are also fools, but only because they are covered with ridicule. Maybe clowns are a man and a woman were released, wearing the mask, the Conventions, the morally, justified any excess lead mask provided. Are dying, removed from the streets and novels, placed in circuses are disappearing with all their reserves. Yet people have not changed, our little things are the same. Always a laugh to spray water from a fake flower, or a man who stumbles into their shoes trying to capture the attention of a graceful dancer. Maybe not laugh because we are disappearing.

picture: a clown balloon model in Corso Vittorio Emanuele.

Friday, March 4, 2011

How Do You Make Friends On Poptropica

Who goes there?

I have recognized eyebrows :-)

is today so ...

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Ho Do I Get Trichomonas


in the pc at work I installed chrome . Unfortunately, the house still has mac os x 10.4, and to install the update should I do first, what I intend to do soon.
chrome, I said that after a slight initial disorientation due to the interface so spartan (apparently, though), I turned out like a new world .
not only because in practice each tab is actually a window in itself, but appears as if it were a portion of one window, not only because the new card has links to the pages most visited, with apps (which are actually in turn link), and the more recent history, but also because (unless you want to, perhaps out of nostalgia, have always preferred the classic bar in sight) is there in new card, which I find favorites, organized in the traditional bar with its folders, which are where they are needed: open I'm looking for the address, the favorites do not clutter up more space in and steal. and about addresses, other key feature is the omnibox , or the address bar that is also the search bar.
and of course there is the unknown function , so you can surf porn sites - no, I mean you can look for a surprise gift - without a family they know nothing.
but the most surprising thing is that if you synchronize everything with the google account (gmail to , but also blogger), then you are on any computer, making access will appear in your favorite , your preferences, your plug-in , your apps.
short, something so well made you forget that you are using filthy of windows.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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Seminario del 7 Marzo 2011

Monday, March 7, in the Hall B of the Department of Pharmacology, Largo Meneghetti 2, 11:30 am Dr. Paul's Chapel of Nerviano Medical Sciences srl seminar held on
cytometry applications in the study of anticancer drugs

The seminar was organized under the initiatives of the PhD Program in Pharmacological Sciences.

Gay And Suffering From Anal Fistula

do not want to brag ...

... in the words of that famous advertisements of the sixties.
here I am on bornthisway :
and now, who wants to follow my example :-)

Sunday, February 27, 2011

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"evidence suggests ..."

train Libyan
Danish railways have in their fleet a number of high speed diesel trains designed and built in Italy by Ansaldo Breda : company owned by Finmeccanica.
happens in Libya has recently appeared out of nowhere a train outside and mechanically identical to the trains in Denmark, but furnished, as it were, in Gaddafi style: with carpets, chairs, and a kind of throne in what appears to be a sort of hall of honor crews.
the hall of honor
has been Usually the whim of the dictator's first lady, you may think, but just read the translation (rough like a machine translator, but very clear on some points) of this article a magazine transport engineering Danish
evidence suggests that the train is a gift from Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi to the Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi.
train Danish
continue the international success of knight.
at our expense , as always.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

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Proposal dream

Essert I would try to help a little trip, you may recall that as a dream, if you want it to remember. I'll take you to the streets, pretending not to have missed, but it will be a lie because I always lose. I get lost because every time I look at the buildings, open spaces them, the details, with new eyes, or at least I try. Hopefully there is fog, even if it was summer. I need to hide the lower part of the buildings, the windows, the millions of clothing stores, and I also need to create a little 'surprise because things do not all come together. If I had time to prepare for the employment of actors, with dazzling costumes to show you how I see things. Of how people appear in surprise me even before my eyes. Do not be afraid for the monstrosity it is only their predominant feature, perhaps at the end are good, but who cares, as I see them like that. The fairies zompettanti you can ignore them. Even the furry animals with many legs, they are fast, run away as soon as observed. Note the origins we are all, with all the languages \u200b\u200band cuisines. Maybe I'm exaggerating because there are no cars parked on the second row. Or maybe it's already past my army punisher? As in reality, even here the buildings are all different from each other, note the decorations on the walls, the hallways, door. I hope you caught the great number of buildings with curved facades, no sharp edges, as if to accompany the curves of the road or the abundances of the squares. And 'round this city, if you turn a corner you may not know where to check. Now I have to decide where to start exploring, if the metropolitan cathedral because his face will appear at once soft and majestic, or terraced houses in an area almost central. They are cute, small, colored, seem a flock of baby shaking. Maybe you want to start from out of town and slowly savor the crossing of roads circular, like the descent into the layers of a cake. Unfortunately it is a journey that can not be done on an outing alone, imagine this city as an undemonstrative woman, who does not speak for herself but to small clues, often frequently the first to learn the code of its language.

pictures: the exhibition "A lot of people a single fight in 2011", Milan, February 26, 2011, exhibition of the Basque group. More photos of the day.

Over Her Knee Hairbrush

england news front (or the international success of the rider) was

by republic

Friday, February 25, 2011

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summer (born this way)

exists blog that collects pictures of children by gay and lesbian people (2-12 years), that since the title is meant to recall the fact that homosexuals can not become, so that already from childhood behaviors, events and choices are revealing: born this way, precisely. for all but for the parents, almost always, by contrast, do not capture the true meaning of all this, but rather document it precisely with the opposite intention, to normalize the pretext estrus and moments of sympathy that might otherwise be an embarrassment.
many of the stories accompanying the photos are touching, very funny, revealing all that really understood the characters better than anyone what was going on, even if you do not have the tools to express cultural and emotional. and above all that we almost never self-censorship, in fact, they put out just those features which, moreover, as older children, there would have been ashamed.
for me, I put my picture here a while when I was five years: it was summer, in the spa town of which came from my mother at a table in a bar. we were the whole family, parents, my brother and I: all four sat in metal chairs in those chrome sixties were a part of modernity.
just me, however, crossed her legs (and, I must admit, in a very flirtatious).

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namely: brilliant animal rights campaign launched in three languages \u200b\u200bby PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) to invite them to sterilize their pets.
(from here ).

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

How To Do A Brazilian

Valle Giulia

Valle Giulia, on the right (east) side of the Tiber
in 1911 was celebrated the first anniversary of the proclamation of the Italian state (and the unification of Italy): a turin a ' international exhibition in Rome with the inauguration of the' altar of the fatherland or monument vittorio emanuele second (after the great war that also housed the Unknown Soldier), and the ' International Art Exhibition held at the military camp in meadows and Milvian Bridge (which later became the district's victory ) and Valle Giulia (which was connected to the first revival of the new bridge built for the ' opportunity and still exists).
spontaneous and here is a question: What will be the third year for the fiftieth anniversary? if there is already much you remember.
downstream giulia were then gradually built up a number of foreign academies, and schools of architecture (the first in Italy) that now bears the name of the valley and is part of the University of wisdom.
the valley, which is a compluvium in the hills north of paris and ruffo villa in the south, and that flowed into the Tiber, more or less where today stands the resurgence of the bridge, named after Pope Julius third, that there is built by Vignola the villa takes its name from him.
Academy of Austria, the Japanese, and right down
Villa Giulia
because of the presence of a Renaissance villa, and the large park adjacent to the Villa Borghese, which was then renamed villa umberto in memory of King of the same name, was chosen to build an urban open-ended, with buildings that are arranged discretely on the slopes of the hills. and while the exhibition was installed with temporary stands at the center of the valley, the arrangements and produced side from the beginning were meant to be permanent, first of all that the National Gallery of Modern Art .
was later completed with the construction of other branches of academia, including that of Austria and Japan, most recently of all, which overlooks the valley to peak almost at the Villa Giulia.
Villa Poniatowski
ma quello che per me è il gioiello più prezioso è la piccola villa poniatowski , sul versante a sud tra villa giulia e la via flaminia: opera del valadier , e oggi parte del museo etrusco (ma ancora chiusa), si arrampica sulla collina con il suo corpo di fabbrica allungato, la cui facciata principale con il loggiato panoramico sembra invitare a ricambiarne lo sguardo.

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diet and muscle

ormai da un bel po' di tempo cerco di evitare di mangiare carne e pesce: non ne compro più, e la mangio solo per non mettere in imbarazzo chi mi ospita e prepara pietanze di quel tipo. tempo fa, per esempio, un amico preparò appositamente una matriciana, con tanto di vero guanciale, e che facevo gliela lasciavo nel piatto? era pure ottima...
del resto, trovare carne buona, pesce fresco e sano, è diventata un'impresa: nemmeno il prezzo alto garantisce più la qualità. e questo fatto, sommato con la tendenza già in atto ad evitare comunque di cibarmi di cadaveri , mi ha dato la spinta decisiva. non mi ritengo, come dicevo sopra, vegetariano : non ne faccio una questione di principio, né tantomeno di fede; semplicemente ho adottato un orientamento alimentare diverso.
ma ieri, alla cassa del supermercato, c'era, davanti a me, un signore with the packaging of meat stew, sliced, steaks. I had as a gesture of disgust to see those pieces of muscle, which could be seen for what could be any animal, including humans.
you muscles human you eat them?

Monday, February 21, 2011

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the home page of wikipedia in China today.
according to the translation I did google says
"February 15 - the district court ruled in Milan, Italy, Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi (figure), will be arrested for sex with children in the study 6 April. "

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who is so much per pound

the government and parliament is now reduced to a doormat, are trying to sell so much per pound to the Catholic Church in exchange for the rights of Italians the support of a despot. It is as if someone is selling our house and pocketing the money for us. is like a speck of Toto which sells the Trevi Fountain to an unsuspecting immigrant in america (always returns to the discourse on migration, looks a bit '). only here there is nothing to laugh about.
the concept is clear: they sell our wills, church silent about the scandalous conduct of the knight (where there are not any outrageous partying, but that does not resign), and then those who want to do as he pleases.
are not usually offer to sign appeals, but this time the suggestion I'll do.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

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slowly, the house home

one of the ceramic plates of Peter de laurentiis
the watchword is: abolish the rules. and this is now the center also agree that not only supports, but proposes privatization rain. the rules will individuals, decide how, where and how; and the when, the answer is when will want.
abolish the rules is not enough: it is good to go through the fact that public intervention has to disappear, and no longer be a factor in competition, and therefore dampening action against the private sector.
I am convinced that health, education, transport and housing (designed this program as housing ) activities are to be given to the public purse, such as justice or the administration, why are sectors in which profit is a distortion, where the market is an injustice.
for the truth, in Italy, thanks to the notorious Article 41 of the Constitution, Until not many years ago (though many, actually), even the housing sector was public or private : the great age of plan ina-house it was the apotheosis qualitative, that the apotheosis of the IACP quantitative. and when the quality collapsed, rather than ask why and find solutions, the answer was the abolition, pure and simple plans of public housing.
the plan ina-house was the opportunity (as fanfani launched by Democrats and the pyre, then sponsored a bit 'all the others) to give work to the construction companies, to construction workers, engineers to design and construction; was the field testing of new techniques and solutions, which took into account the state of the art building, but they proposed a common path to revival through innovation and experimentation, real value added of ' construction industry (who now prefers to rent and real estate) was the natural evolution of building plans undertaken during the years of fascist dictatorship in the new context of freedom and social mobility.
today, of course, a government and a political vision chaired and dominated by a man who began as a building contractor can not pursue the path that is following: with the consequence of loss of control the territory, once it is given (unregulated) private initiative.
is also why an entrepreneur is not good as chairman of the board (and if you remember who offers even a Montezemolo ...).
(the image is taken from here )

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here because if you were to vote tomorrow to win again. to pretend nothing is the secret: to act as if nothing had happened, and therefore it is not. certainly in bad faith, however, insist on paying initiatives like this, has his back. and even if the recipients of dual-format posters that cover rome (the face of the advertising plan much-vaunted by Alemannic) even if we reflect a moment passes, however, the automated message that he is for normality, for the people, for values, for all that reassuring you can imagine in the world.
here, the desire for reassurance, this is the engine that still choose him as the mobilization, the indignation, the reactivity proposed by the opposition to scare a population of animals.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

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Molecular Biology Database List

Published in the journal Nucleic Acids Research 1999, vol.27, No.1 , the article "Molecular Biology Database List " contains a list of websites disciplines. Despite being dated, is quoted by Sue Eipert as a useful resource for researchers in the web page FUMSI of November 1, 2010 ( The article of Eipert entitled " Curated information: What It Means for Researchers" analyze this and other resources (such as magazine Database, ) and deserves 'perusal.

also interesting introductory article to research on Patents FUMSI appeared on the February 2, 2011

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apple pie

apple pie is one of several classics of homemade pastries: it is so grandmother's kitchen, and picnic in the countryside.
a more used (and I like less) is made with apple slices placed over the mixture, in which the apples are cooked directly in the heat of the oven and crispy fried or otherwise.
the other, I propose here, is one in which the apples are part of the mix, and dissolve almost completely in this, giving flavor and texture.
recipe taught me R. which in turn had read the book Vissani on Friday republic: and every time he makes (or that we do it together) is a success.

apples, 2 eggs

1 kg sugar, 150 g
butter, 50 g
flour, 180 g
milk, 100 g
lemon, bread crumbs, baking powder

whisk the eggs with sugar, add the grated lemon peel, milk and melted butter. incorporate the flour, and yeast. let stand for at least thirty minutes. Meanwhile, peel the apples, cut into cubes, and then incorporated. pour into a buttered mold and sprinkled with bread crumbs, and bake at 180 degrees for 40 minutes.