Since we spent so much time, I would have so much to write for the writing of this post I outline a previously pinned on a post-it.
Since being added, is always a very special feeling to pull out my copy of Generation Boing from the library of the room, which blends the coast until a moment before, including names much larger literature. Usually I lose myself for a moment between the warm colors of the cover (that I know by heart, but which reveals a new detail every time), I open a page at random (nice paper, the graceful font), I read something (I have reconstructed in head before and after the story quell'estratto) and stay with the uncertain feeling that something is mine, but at the same time not. It will not even remotely resemble the notebook scribbled on which history has taken its first steps. Will that - a comparison of his version of the manuscript-spit from home printers - it seems the twin athletic and sleek. Will be the three years spent in the metaphorical drawer. However there are studying at a distance, and I published the book, we smell, it hard to recognize, to give importance to our relationship that in some ways be a time we saw one. But anyway, whenever I put in what is now its slot on the shelf light wood, we greet each other with a wink, and there is no need to add more.
And over the weeks, satisfaction increases rather than decrease, together with press releases, presentation after presentation, bouncing here and there, with canguresco "Boing!", the existence of this book.
Stefano Giovinazzo, my editor, with commendable enthusiasm update the article after article in the publisher's website (click and scroll down, if interested).
- Customer thoughtful ("I'm looking - says while reciting or reading from a card or mobile phone - book author X Y " )
- customer insecure ("'m looking for a book of which I remember a few words of the title but not the author " or vice versa);
- customer from psychoanalysis ("I'm looking for a book " ). Trying to avoid a face " and thanks to the Ca ... " Psychoanalysis, in this case, it shows my speech to extrapolate from the subconscious interpretation of the customer a title and / or author.
But, as I said, my work Scocchera midnight July 20. And I will hope that it turns into something more serious collaboration with another agency, carried out in parallel and at the time prompted me to write articles like this , this and this .
Life goes on regardless. Although Italy in the World Cup, despite Italy and gagged League ta , despite the Vatican tries to put a cross on priests and pedophilia, despite the slippery stairs of Italian prisons and their prisoners who are careless always there to trip over, despite the clubs easy, despite B. and P (which currently seems to be arrived at "3" is renewed over the web that is only 2.0), although some rubbish due to the fact that many politicians and many mobsters now you wear clothes sewn by the same tailor. Although Robin (my Roll Birroso) I try to fight during the day shots of weights and abs, and that I have the evening in pubs, despite my guitar - to be in tune with my voice - it sounds out of tune.
And even more.
There will always be a new trip (of course, low cost, such as in Malta this weekend June 11 to 13), there will always be some new movies to watch, some new concert expected to attend (such as that of Green Day in October last year, as the surprise free Eric Sardinas a few weeks ago or as the next in late July: Xavier Rudd, Cristiano de André - his own father - and Giovanni Allevi) there will always be some new game of football to play, there's always some new book to read (even if the pages of the 1025 Anna Karenina, sometimes, make me doubt this). There will always be some new story to write, that actually already exists, everything is in your hands after losing out almost a year and finish it as it deserves.
There will always be something that I forgot to write in this post summary.
On balance - especially those of the exaggerated lines of this post and minutes available to me before my evening rendezvous - for the future, I can only wish me this: peaceful existence, written with the " S "capitalized.
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