Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Promise Adult Film Star

Were you chilled, despite the heat that sticky, like a blanket, was heavy layer on your skin.
you been arrested outside the pitch of the ridiculous to the district tournament, while the two teams that have played before if they gave a thrashing, do not be satisfied with a 11-4 that has never had history. Suddenly something switched on, boys, and sucked all in the eye in midfield.
Were you surprised by so much brutality, mentre gente con rasature fotocopia sulle teste, posture e fisici appena palestrati tipo i rapper bianchi dei video di Mtv , lanciava cazzotti nel vuoto, sperando di incontrare del pieno , e possibilmente di fracassarlo.
Sei rimasto in ascolto degli schiocchi di nocche che colpivano ossa e pelle, dell'isterismo di chi - da fuori dal campo - aggrediva la rete perimetrale come se volesse sbranarla, a dimostrazione di ciò avrebbe potuto fare ad un corpo, se se lo fosse trovato nei paraggi. E il neon dei riflettori brillava sul sudore creando aloni di irrealtà intorno a schiene e braccia contratte.
Sei rimasto in ascolto anche della calm voice of someone who, chest puffed up with pride, and poses, he went out for a walk from the field and and stated in a logical-philosophical "we have to wait them out and then fall asleep a ficult.
... until the case is not dropped a curtain of blood from a broken nose.
The most comfortable, because there just wanted gamble ball in the pit hath been found in draw for all - with drops of dark red - the way towards the dressing rooms, a "Tom Thumb 'directed by Tarantino.
Did you finally listen to your voice that only he could find no words for such (dis ) Human violence, whereas it a packaged, speech, for your property and your lack of action, at least from peacemaker. Coward.


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