Saturday, July 31, 2010

How To Seal A Concrete Tub

head and stomach full.

second album NoFx, branded 1989, I joyfully is ill-treated ears in the short-ears headphones journey, and I can not help but think that when they, the NoFx, the 'extracted from the cylinder (a cylinder that I imagine rumpled and dusty, strictly punk), I was 4 years.
Yes, these are nostalgic 3:00 at night. Maybe because I'm
surviving a night with friends like many, many indeed. An evening framed by night, drooping from the branches of trees lit by lanterns and rickety tables in Who have put a little wood to flourish on their surface fresh bottles of burgundy red, appetizers from carnivores to eat with bare hands and almost endless string of useless toast.
This time we went up to Ariccia , but we dug in the inland rural South of Rome, to discover this Fraschetta Tor Pagnotta , where you choose the meat you cook on the grill waiting only you.
( Reddy, in whose veins runs the blood of the 'assigned to the barbecue "promised to others and especially to himself that he would not have taken down her buttocks from the bench, but ...)
binge old style , in the long, narrow rectangle of our table at night. But this is nothing but friendship is the spice to season meats, bruschetta, wine and - finally - coffee, bitter almond biscuits ... special dinner in a filthy and in which those 20 euro per head kitty never seems to end. Like the time around the plank.
the series, we're still us. Someone will bloated holiday in the U.S., someone will go in September to live with the woman, still limps from one temporary contract extensions (I, at the time, until the 8th of August in the library, crossing his fingers and shoelaces) , someone speaks of friends who are married, someone comments on previous trips, stolen kisses and already fantastic his head toward the next flight beyond the Italian border.
One of those nights when all the edges of where you feel that you realize that only the edge of a piece of the puzzle where you grooving to perfection.
And maybe it's just the wine to polish, or perhaps they are the sincere smiles that reciprocate for a lifetime, to make smooth the lubricant red blood that falls in the throat.
Basically these are people who have watched him grow, one of them you have seen the birth, almost, even though it is stuff 28 years ago and could never remember it . When those who had the scooter was a myth, quando una partita a pallone ti svoltava la serata, quando bastava comprarsi qualche birra e finire la serata dentro una macchina a chiacchierare . Quando i torelli alcolici per strada - quando di palloni ne vedevi quattro invece che uno - sapevano farti ridere fino alla contorsione gastrica; quando proprio in quello stesso stomaco non ti entrava più niente, eppure c'era sempre spazio per un-panino-dallo- Zozzo .
E se i pezzi grossi dell'Italia politica, quelli esemplari, ad un certo punto si danno le spalle ripudiandosi a vicenda e condividendo solo la parola "libertà" nel loro riempirsi la bocca e le tasche ("Popolo della Libertà" uno, vecchio stampo; "Futuro e libertà" the other, cool fresh split), I'm thinking the real links. And I am convinced that - despite the multitude of things to tell each other - the real links are those that stand the test of silence, the game looks, smile, life in a few gestures and few words. When you look at someone and you've already said all there is friendship without ulterior motives, without the Knights in the wave (or what is aired). Why
see that you are you and those around you that they are always giving you the comforting feeling of walking on paths known and safe, even if you are so often taken by what surrounds you (and surrounds you and did not fit in vise) does not even have time to watch your feet to see what they are treading. Or look up to see what you're missing.
My guitar has been very out of tune tonight, probably helped a little and hurt by soft fingers, "Anna Karenina " borders on the threshold of 1000 on page 1024, the writing knocked bully, probably pouring in nonsense, but NoFx continue to shout in the ears, while the lovely evening with friends continued to cry in his eyes. And even if my new Serenity inland waters away from me, I look back at old things, invigorated by the will to persist over time. And I smile, why is there still want to feel good. Even now that
NoFx have stopped screaming and the new silence unrolling carpet inviting you both to sleep, is the vigil and also to the twisted cross that is the dream.

I only wish a good night unless poisoned possible. And even when sleeping already, and who does not sleep.


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