Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Cd Drive Won't Open Emachines

Monday 26/4/10 will cover online!

messages addressed to all those who, by dint of making " boing, boing " on the spot, now have two calves of steel.

But why not, the message sent also to all those who - now sick and tired of hearing about "Kangaroo", " Boing Generation" and (especially) "Luke Sacchiero " - are organizing voodoo rites with dolls in the shape of marsupial , to hit kangaroos, Boing Generation and (especially) Luca Sacchiero .

messages addressed to all, in fact.

Monday, in the vicinity of this blog , will be online on the cover of "Boing Generation."
E 'the work of Elisa Bonfadini that has managed to translate my ideas excited (Often too excited) in a graphic truly impressive.
I have seen progress in , the cover, and then I saw made permanently. And I'm excited.
What I am about to write, is nothing more than a few anticipation. Hints of description that will allow you to begin to imagine something. That effect without spoiling surprise that morally authorize my publisher to use me directly, and not one of my effigy, as voodoo doll .

There are warm colors and a blue sky. There is a road that runs off in deep to pierce the 'horizon , e ci sono quattro ombre spiattellate sull'asfalto che proprio da quell'orizzonte sembrano esser risucchiate.
Una di queste ombre ha una posa affettata e un taglio d'abito elegante, un'altra imbraccia una chitarra, un'altra sembra essere più trasparente (ed inconsistente ) delle altre, un'altra ancora è massiccia, statuaria. A metà strada c'è un cartello stradale... e non sto nemmeno a specificarvi cosa sia raffigurat - AHIA !

Ho appena percepito una pungente sensazione sulla schiena, come di un ago che penetra all'improvviso.
O è una vendetta del gruppo- vodoo now that is doing indigestion of my messages or is it just my editor, according to which I am going too far in advance .

E, as shown by a "certain" story of four kangaroos without carrier, the more you push away, the harder it is to go back.

( canguresco spread the word!)

ps: Boing!


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