Thursday, December 30, 2010

Metart Ygoow Moorhunt

Inside the donut

The year that ends should be the year ' out of many things. Instead, it was not so, not out of just such a beautiful thing. On leaving I would give some weight by the door, and lighter than I tried to wander exploring, trying new things. I did a quick lap and then I started again, one by one, my weights. Some renovated, some sweetened, but getting them. In my wanderings I met new things and I have gathered, there are many beautiful things, but time and attention. I should focus on one thing, but I can not, like I have an insatiable hunger that "takes all, even the coffee." Guess I'll have to redo everything from scratch. Basically what I tried to get was to develop the farthest point of my character: serenity, but I did not succeed. I wanted to be a peaceful mountain lake, but I'm a puddle boost traffic. But in the end it is not true, the truth is I want the energy to do everything they can stick their nose into every nook and corner of every pull something yet to be explored. But my energy is too little for giving me time to unwind dreams on paper. Port in the new year of the new joys and new sorrows, and port receipts precarious footholds. For my will, or destiny, next year will be a watershed year, one year to the next step will be very different from those experienced to date. Will I remember going to re-elect these words, if only to laugh at me, at least to count the turns in this circular motion. Let's wishes.

picture: out of here, Milan December 28, 2010

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Kitchenaid Professional Hd Vs Professional 5 Plus

The war is over

E 'was a flash of vertigo on the graphics. A sign, perhaps magical, which opened a crack in the cold morning. He was a star drawn with a marker on the wall of the car. Vibrating, because of shock, as if she were dancing over his "i". Above the caption "I give up! goodbye "," I surrender! Goodbye ". I imagined a small teenager sitting crooked on the seat with the knee mark. I clearly saw the wake of the jeans tucked into boots, a piece of ass protrude from the waist down and polished. I thought the song Baustelle , to the "bic perfume / actress from Without a Cause". I swear that they are horrified. I swear that I remembered to me, then, when nothing made me more well-written record of terrible, like open veins gushing from my self-centeredness. They were nothing, because nothing of that was followed by a series, but then I could not know. Only after you have lined up the disappointment I felt was normal. My baby, do not give up, the tragedies of today are tomorrow's trivia that are sensitive to make room for new tragedies. I do not have my writing, I just threw them all, but some issues could be of personal relevance. I apologize for all this negativity but I have no role to to paternalism, but I want to correct: you will not believe but in the darkness of these days, today I went home happy to have made a picture.

Photo: December 28, 2010, MM3

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Chinese Bangs, Weaves

Morning frost in winter

Today I have made peace and snow. I had brought her down yesterday afternoon slow, but moving from side to not impede traffic. He told me to "rest and tomorrow will be sunny, so it was. I knew inside of me, though I peered weather forecasts, which would maintain the commitment and called me this morning. He left Sun to its highest place and cold wind all the space around, she is lying idle on the ground that had been soft and has let go, I would like a skin, turn back to look at the signs that I leave. The games are small footprints in the snow with the past, notes written on a bar napkin because someone, perhaps, find them. I laughed until cold and the snow was smiling, we also talked about projects together, ideas from other games. I do not know when it will happen again that we exalt in our synchronous whims.

Photo: Oasis Carengione, December 18, 2010

Friday, December 17, 2010

Send Invitation Sorority Life

Biblioteche Accademiche e Valutazione della Ricerca

Un report della OCLC Research scritto da John MacColl " Research Assessment and the Role of the Library " (January 2010) può essere punto di partenza per una riflessione su possibili ruoli futuri delle biblioteche

Illegally Setting Up Direct Tv

Zotero, Reference Management Software e Altri Strumenti Free per il Browser

Segnalo una presentazione di Zotero e di altri strumenti di estensione dei browser in un interessante articolo della rivista Dragonfly.
Nell'articolo trovate il link ad una tabella di comparazione di Zotero con gli altri prodotti commerciali di gestione delle bibliografie, elaborata da University of Wisconsin – Madison Libraries.
Un'analisi complete with tables, comparing managers bibliographies available (free or not) is also present in Wikipedia .

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Mirar Movies En Espanol Gratis

Jane Austen - Anniversario

To celebrate 235 years since the birth of Jane Austen today Google dresses "Regency" and it indicates a selection of websites on the writer and his works!
not forget the magazine online Persuasions "The Jane Austen Society of North America (JASNA), has just released the second issue of 2010

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Georgia Driver License Template

OPAC e Biblioteche - Informazioni utili per i Bibliotecari

From catalog of our OPAC. University you can extract for example. lists of journals or monographs held by a single library.
tool to use to generate link to records in the catalog is called LinkGenerator and was drafted by Mr Luca Dragon CAB. It 's show a link Info / Help Catalog SBA.

page access are thus described the potential of this instrument:
"Generate link to be included in a web page - ol ' URL to use in emails or bookmarks - to launch a particular research Library System Catalog Padovano or to retrieve a single record "

As an example, here is the list of Ancient books owned by our Library

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Can I Use Glycerin In My Dog's Eye

Scopus: Come escludere i Record PubMed?

How to retrieve records from Scopus excluding those of PubMed?
is a valuable suggestion of American librarians (Mayo Clinic) should be added to Scopus in our research the following string:

AND NOT (PMID (1 * * OR 2 OR 3 OR 4 * 5 * OR * OR * OR 6 OR 7 * 8 * 9 * O))

PMID identifies where the code number is allocated to that is a record in PubMed.
This code also retain the PubMed records in other databases such as Scopus, Web of Science etc..

Example: Seeking information
Scopus in on " artemisinin," but I already 'did a search on PubMed and I want to exclude these records. In the window "Advanced search" Scopus write:

artemisinin AND NOT (PMID (1 * * OR 2 OR 3 OR 4 * 5 * OR * OR * OR 6 OR 7 * 8 * 9 * O))

Deniese Milani Topless

PubMed Central (PMC) - Digital Archive of Periodicals

PubMed Central (PMC) is a archive of biomedical journals U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH). The journals included in the catalog are available free of charge. Some are completely free, the others are only partially .

Friday, December 10, 2010

Cat Hard Lump Left Belly

PubMed - New

OLDMEDLINE contains citations from 1946
and therefore also in the searchable PubMed database

The thesaurus MeSH Medline turns 50! E 'was published for the first time in 1960 and contained 4300 descriptors. The 2011 edition contains 26000.

Da Novembre, e' stata modificata la pagina dei Limits
Ci sono due nuovi Subsets " Dietary Supplements " e " Veterinary Science ". Nei Publication Types, ci sono le nuove voci: " Autobiography " e " Video-audio Media "

Hallmark Card Anniversary Sayings

Zotero - Free Software for Bibliographies

Lo potete scaricare da:
Si integra al browser Firefox e consente anche di gestire bibliografie in Microsoft Word.

Sony Vegas 7 Media Generator

Ancient books - University of Strasbourg

Segnalo il "Service Commun de la Documentation de l'Université de Strasbourg - Livres anciens "
you can find old books scanned from various disciplines and languages. Search by author, background, discipline (Dewey classification) or century (since 1500).

Connect Laptop To Reciever

Favorite Resources Web-portal for the University of Turin

Report this interesting portal containing web resources selected and quality. It covers all subject areas and uses a classification system resources Preferred / SPT - home.php

Monday, December 6, 2010

South Park Streamingfr

Verba manent, manent, and manent manent

I read a sentence, if you are trivial, in a book and think "this is what I should do." It 's a simple teaching, I already knew, was a way of life that I had already proposed to follow, but because now that I've read it becomes a piece of advice to follow? Because before it was not, although he got there alone? We are slaves of the education or the written word? Maybe that's why one of the best-selling books in the world teaches you to stop smoking in addition to the normal sense, but I am reminded of a Zen teaching where a teacher goes to a wise man and asks, "Which way should I follow?", The master put down " Be good and just. " The essay was amazed and exclaimed, "But even a child knows this!" the teacher replied, "Yes, everybody knows, but few do."
In fact I fear that the power of the written word, outdoor education, is a mechanism imposed by the Western discipline. Rather than listen to obey the outside. That seems so terrible, and maybe it's just an exaggeration, but in the same book I discovered that many men can not urinate on their backs for education had as a child.

photo: Forbidden Books, December 2010

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Get Well Wishesstroke

These nights, some nights

My tiredness is not the result of a difficulty, if not what can I not be tired. You can work hard and realize that you could not leave the problems attached to the desk, including the photo of the boy on a bicycle and postcards of the Japanese restaurant. Maybe it's a bit 'the weather that gets in the way, or chronological, because you have not slept little and you're too old to recover quickly. In fact, the tip of your mind, look, it pulsates, as with hunting dog in a zoo just vacated. He leans in the corners of the city looking for ideas, suggestions, signals. But you have to retract because the body does not follow, because today is asking a break. If you're allergic like me to quit television in the house becomes an exile. The radio will inevitably go wrong music and your music is always the same. The eyes do not want to read and hands would remain closed as flowers. On nights like this should be a hug ready to rest, slight hands you scour the temples and invitations to make love only those with the lashes of your eyes. Should I buy a nice colorful blanket.

pictures: Rome, 30 November 2010, it was raining, but there was traffic in the car was good. traffic, but in the car was good.