Sunday, October 24, 2010

Difference Harcore And Metal

Thank you for your faces

Alla fine ci sono riusciti a convincermi e ho raccolto un po’ di foto da stampare che , anche in caso di tempesta magnetica, vorrei tenere. Ne è uscita una collezione di persone per me importanti, non cose, non luoghi. Eppure di “foto ricordo” ne scatto ben poche, ma in questa fase della mia vita voglio conservare questa memoria. Il pensiero però si è fissato alle persone di cui non ho la foto, di alcune di queste non potrò più averla. Di alcune vorrei mettermi subito alla caccia, anche se sarebbe insensato. Dovrei ricordarmelo: “nei momenti importanti bisogna fare foto”, solo che i momenti diventano importanti when fouling of emotions. Putting pictures in order of time I noticed how my friendships are not substantially changed, at best, we have expanded and polarized on some people with whom I spend much time with whom I have much in common. I also have photos of me, which surprises me because many do not know where you come from or who wrote it. My album will be a "cru" of friendly faces and a few pleasantries, with some funny expressions meaningless if you do not remember the context. Bello will review them together and revive the memory of the feeling then. After all shooting for that too.

photo: M. Abakanowciz, Pomodoro Foundation, June 2009

Friday, October 22, 2010

Funny Rehearsal Dinner Invitation Wording

Danger signals for greater distance

Every moment of our lives expand messages, such as a scent or the flashing of a warning signal. Again and again we repeat, not to mention, who we are or would like to be, and what we seek. A few of us expand messages so confused that the effect is to communicate the opposite. Our view, a detail of our clothing, the pose of the body, tone of voice we use to answer a question suddenly, they reveal a piece of us is under the bark. I'm not good at reading these messages, but I invented to incorporate hundreds of signals that may not exist. I wonder if they are good but unknowingly transmit my signal? That message that faint before reaching the consciousness of a casual observer is lost in large part, is altered, and leaves a trail atom must be interpreted. Are fascinating posts of the body. Some bodies allow them to speak for hours, some do not. Yet the image of us who unwittingly tramettere we often do not arrive, or decomposes and reaches tens of viewers in dozens of different ways. Like the light that draws the pictures that do not recognize, because our senses are not objective and build images are not real. As the first of the pyramids archaeologists try to make sense of the riddles of your look, your not that of your writing, the different cutting of hair and time it takes to travel one meter of asphalt. What I get is useless, except when the armor is laid, to become the material with which we build our dreams. It 's the you've built, is that I have closed, and from there you must try to escape.

Photo: Stresa, Isola dei Pescatori, 21 August 2010

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Chinese Bangs Hairstyle

know the words but not the remedy

"Mamihlapinatapei" is all I can think, think as it is written because the I can say. Crossing the look of a guy who might know, in fact we look but none of the two greeted each other, more "mamihlapinatapei. I think the brunette who failed to press the elevator button and looked at me apologetically, perhaps, with eyes burning, waiting for my comment maybe a nice, but I smiled, still mamihlapinatapei. I think there were a couple of things I should do, but I procrastinate, waiting for someone else to do that for many reasons, and is still mamihlapinatapei. This word comes from Patagonia that could be translated as the eyes of two people who want to start anything but both are reluctant to begin. I have lived so many moments and only for the fact that I still remember them means that, at least, I regret it. Yet not enough to remember similar incidents in the past because it does not happen again. It will be out of shyness or pride, fear or giving up the arrogance to discover the chest during the attack brings me to stall. This word that I discovered today replaces the idea of \u200b\u200bbeing in front of a tangle of wires, not those of a bomb that must be cut before the "zero", but those to be followed to unravel the tangle of thoughts and make order. Instead it is to contemplate the real estate mess, to follow the light that gets stuck in the wires and is unable to flow to the heart of the rump. Not only of what remains in the throat. This is called an impasse, because it alone can not be mamihlapinatapei.

photo: star center, 9 October 2010

Friday, October 1, 2010

How Much Do Dealers Save At Auctions

tales of hunting in the rain

I bet the alarm clock at 6:00 to get out in time to take photos during the dawn. I wanted to go to all the places I've noticed a couple of weeks ago when I was disarmed of the camera and the sun took me around showing me colors that I could not trap. When you have played without second thoughts and took a few minutes later I was out. With a ridiculous step I left home, without making any noise. Check the garage and meeting the neighbors, a couple who have the age of my parents and fall of ballroom dancing. "Not bad nightlife! "I think. I turn the car on the dashboard clock shows 1.12 am, I think "damn you are fucking the battery and I lost all the saved radio stations." Checking the time on the phone: "1.12 am". I can only laugh at me: the alarm had sounded, trill me I was dreaming! I go back to bed to wait for 5 long hours. Waves as the emblem of our ancestral family anxiety. But it is always worth at dawn outside, there is another world, with other colors and different people. My photography addiction is increasing and now beats like the best of my passions.

Photo: Luna Park in Novegro, October 2, 2010