Wednesday, February 18, 2009

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Pena as pain, pain as punishment. Equally lovely

I think people make a great effort to keep quiet the itching hands against certain criminal acts, and against certain criminals.
And I want to be driven by simple currents that oppose the "Italian", "foreigners", "illegal" ... equations with many fashionable, cry (alarm, but especially in alarmism) as "illegal = criminal." I speak first of all men, of criminals.
The rest is superficial and misleading. The rest, according to me, plays into the hands of certain political maneuvers of those who cry "Watch out there !" pointing with his finger on one side, so everyone looks in the direction indicated, and may not notice what is going on behind them ... With 'sti pretexts nations are born, we have established leadership.
We are a nation of the mafia, this time to remember that "black man" does not necessarily Slavic accent or Maghreb, "the black man" can be anywhere because it is "man."
Returning to bomb in the speech, I too, because I do not want soaping of moralism and hypocrisy, I admit it - before the murder, rape, pedophilia - I feel the anger salirmi right behind the ears and, being at that height, with blur hot and corrosive liquid eyes. I would like to hit, hurt, revenge, scan to sound of kicks, punches and insults a clear concept "Who returns to the victim of your actions - be it murder, rape or pedophilia - that which has been taken away?"
In the first case, a life.
In the other two, a normal life.
I would like to see him suffer, bleed, give the legs, collapsing to the ground, spitting blood and crying for mercy and goodness knows how many other sewage intestinal ... and only then ask "And why did not you given your victims, pity? But because you were not able to go further and do not own your dirty act of shit? "
And in front of the silence of his answer, probably, began to hit him.
But then, not very easily, I have to stop the thoughts, to calm the breath and heart rate in the meantime there has been stormy. are forced to use your brain, because it is there to be used, not ignored when he speaks.
I find myself thinking, then, in the long term.
Yes, I think, because what in the short term would seem to me the "just punishment", I then discovered that in the long term would only be something sudden, brief, with a peak at the time, but then would not let trains and simply disperse over the years.
kill those who commit murder, in the long term, not the victim back to life. Far
suffer physically (read "beaten up") who does child abuse or rape who, in the long term, not ever compensate for the suffering of victims (which I do not think will ever, and with whom - I think instead - will be forced first or later to live with, and confined to a dark corner of their own).
Leaving aside the talk - perhaps the most sensible - that could do some of my friends graduated in law on the role of "corrective" and not "punitive" in prison, I'm here to scream - in silence of these lines and my chest - life in prison for one reason: long-term - although the comparison is faded and rough - what could unite the criminals with their victims is the loss of FREEDOM.
Sure, type of freedom taken away from a murder victim has a sharp, inescapable. Lasts forever. The
type of freedom of the child victim of violence (by age) and rape (by the act) is more subtle, psychological, full of echoes and thrills hidden. Anch 'it, in its way, it lasts forever.
The common denominator - the pain and punishment as the penalty as a punishment - so should be something that: 1
. endure forever;
2. reflects key philosophical and legislative crime with the punishment.
death sentence, in my opinion (the second "me" that is able to calm down and stop the launch - at least in his head - kicking and punching the criminal) could not be part of those measures "long term" in, slowly In these lines have come to understand the value. Sure, it would last forever, but it would act much like an angry son of compensation (in the short term!). "Compensate" Unfortunately, it is impossible from the outset: I repeat, a murderess not kill the victims back to life, to physical violence on rapists could take instinctive satisfaction in the short term, but in the long run do not ever erase the trace of violence suffered by victims.
are repetitive I know, are repetitive I know, I know it is repetitive, but rather to convince you, I'm trying to convince myself.
In any case, I know I speak with the mouth of someone who either first or second person has never suffered violence like that. Every now and then but I can not identify myself - having everyday circumstances where surprises are the victims - one of the many boys assaulted while perhaps are secluded in the car with the woman to cuddle. And then find themselves spectators of the rape of his girl.
The sense of helplessness and pain empathy for his woman invaded carnally and emotionally , I think it's something devastating and only remotely conceivable.
why probably speak to this type of mouth - with that of the "theoretical" and not the victim - is all too easy. But in other respects, it may prove even more useful .
If you are all right and spoke with the victim's mouth, perhaps in the world would increase the number of executioners, instead of reducing it. And so saying, I will not totally abandon or belittle the victim, I just try to break away from the "moment" that - emotional and angry - Tends to get caught in the physical reactions of that anger and quell'emotività.
Serve, resuming his speech, exemplary punishment that forces the criminal to live, although very "distant", with the most profound characteristics of the crime that he committed. So I confirm: it must be deprived of a certain form of freedom for the rest of their lives. Now, I'm not perfectly clear ideas about what life inside a prison, so I want to point out that these considerations are made means holding (and I hope to do it right), not as a kind of "holiday village "(at the expense of the state) just a little 'more gray and less exotic than those of brochure travel agencies.
That said, a "non-life" as one of the cell, and a clear mind to think of it (and possibly sadistic?), Is perhaps worse than death.
What is life imprisonment, then, without loopholes, concessions, various workarounds. The only penalty
discount at which these criminals have to learn to draw, in their captivity, is the forgiveness of their victims. Which it is not, legitimately, to arrive.
"Forever" is not too fair.


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