Monday, March 9, 2009

Nerf Gun Birthday Party Invitations

do re mi is the only one ...

Who has a highly oriented mentality cazzeggiano (like mine in general), or just a mental laziness that can not peel off (like mine on Monday morning), can be inferred that the lack of creativity the title tells you that the last events of this period are worthy of note ... music (because somehow related to music). And with this game of words to be sick, even I I immediately stopped to read, if I were not busy writing.
Or at least, to stay on, I'd play for the thrashing.
Italy is on the news that continues to wonder if Arisa - the winner Festival last Sarnemo - there is or there. To me, that very " sincertiàààà , a bit 'constructed as a character, it is. Basic fault: it intends to propose at all costs a woman with soap & water ways (in the balance between shyness and autism), made up so that even with the thinner skin could return "skin color". To request the confirmation Joker (by the way, a small digression, the Oscar posthumously to Heath Ledger is deserved: every time I see The Dark Knight bilayers black eyes just above the scars of the mouth I scramble the guts). The Ballad of
Arisa is still catchy and - though probably Joey Ramone (which is mitered at the time frantically from my stereo) must be turning in his grave fucking read a thing - let's say Perhaps my comment is highly partisan. The first time I heard this song, was a beautiful night of candles and blankets in the company of Lady L., just as Arisa was crowned in the penultimate evening of the Festival of Sanremo : singing tradition of the annual Italian music I, as a tradition, I did not see even with binoculars (the song of Arisa , in fact, I heard by chance on YouTube). In the year (dicono. ..) BONOLIS the Festival of Sanremo has been a great TV product, Obama has decided to block all forms of torture. It will be a simple coincidence or lack of new audio-video material with which to apply the punishment? A singer
committed, but that really needs very little effort to smile and think, is certainly Caparezza : his Roman leg of 28 February was a frenzy of rock- Electo - rap , colored strobe lights, costumes, antics, skits with the whole band, repartee with the audience, a way somewhere between the concert and the play, certainly facilitated by the synergy rap cadence of his beautiful, highly intelligent and sarcastic lyrics. I must confess that my admiration is absolutely genuine and heartfelt: I am not a relative of Caparezza are not a close friend of Caparezza , I have not been paid by Caparezza , and are not Caparezza . That said, I, the Holy and Julius said "the Millett " (because of that his former "Oh, I hunger I've got, if Famo 'na Millett the white pizza?") succeed we had a good time and not a little: we laughed, jumped, screamed so much that in the end, when we said goodbye to the machines back in the night full of silence and mist, we were so hoarse as to seem parodies of Marlon Brando in "The Godfather".
Tutt 'other music has been released to the Carnival Poggio Mirteto , primarily because the heavy rain has blocked many outdoor concerts (including one of the Sabina Ratti ... but how? The time - well armed with a T-shirt with logo "rat" you come to feel almost under the house, canceled the concert for a while 'to fucking rain?). Furthermore, the same rain has forced the other bands ( sorpattutto emerging from puddles enormous town square) to play in crowded mini-blinds pulled up at the last minute or in the back of pickup trucks volkswagen style, to open doors to the public. Tutt 'other music, so if open-air ballad in the chaos of forms, smiles, shouts, laughter, bright eyes, cheeks, makeup, colors, crazy costumes homemade (from the more botched than the most elaborate and valuable); Tutt 'other music, so if accompanied by the rhythm of the tribal groups of drummers, peddlers, and if overheated and flavored with rivers of wine flowing a little red' everywhere, excellent metaphor for the blood stirred up the revelers. I, Lady L., the great Max Mariani e Caru (Vale S e Vale P ci avrebbero raggiunto più tardi), il viaggio verso Poggio Mirteto , ce lo siamo fatti - come molti moltissimi - nel treno delle 12:58. In compagnia dei Puffi . E ci tengo a sottolineare che, lì sul vagone, la sbronza era ancora un lontano presentimento, i Puffi c'erano davvero: un gruppo d'amici geniale che aveva provveduto a comprarsi magliette celesti, pantaloni e zuccotti bianchi e trucco celeste per il viso. Il risultato finale di questi puffosi scalmanati - completato nel vagone ormai trasformato in "sala trucchi" - rasentava la perfezione... anche se una menzione particolare la darei a " Puffo giamaicano", con tanto di bandierone nazionale a mo di mantello e parrucca rasta sotto il cappello, e a Gargamella , con tanto di bastone e gatto Birba attaccato al braccio. Facebook , forse, provvederà a rendere eterna la bravura e la genialità del loro travestimenti. Fatto sta che, ormai praticamente circondati in carrozza da gente al trucco e da spirito di fratellanza infuso non ancora da vino ma dall'allegria dei colori, anche noi quattro, chiedendo in prestito qualche matita colorata, abbiamo deciso di mascherarci. Io - modestamente - armato di rosso, nero, bianco, specchietto e ispirazione, ho creato un capolavoro uomoragnesco sul mio viso, il viso dolcissimo Lady L. has turned into a cute romper and the great Max Mariani and Caru ... Perhaps there is no need to comment on the composition floreal - tribal - acazzodicane their facial decorations. Facebook , perhaps, will, disgraced forever.
While the flat white of the sky and the silence is typical of villages in the hill climb were provided to enhance the colorful fabrics and racket discharged a continuous stream of people arriving by train to Poggio Mirteto , shuttle service station / square country - perhaps to stay on with the party - proved to be a sort of "carnival joke": only tre autobus a fare avanti e indietro per gli otto chilometri di strada in salita a portare centinaia di ragazzi festosi che, dovendo sgomitare per conquistarsi un posto sulla vettura, ci hanno messo poco a diventare incazzosi. Unica nota stonata della festa, per sdrammatizzare rimanendo in tema musicale. Per il resto il vino, le pizze fritte salate e dolci, i panini con la porchetta, altro vino, la musica martellata sui tamburi e nelle orecchie (quest'ultima era una metafora, non che si fosse qualcuno che prendeva a bastonate la gente per creare nuove sonorità), insomma tutte 'ste fantasticherie ci hanno fatto rimbalzare fino alla sera con i sorrisi incastrati sulle facce (e lo stesso valeva anche per chi come Lady L., era mascherato da pagliaccio, e per all dressed up as Joker , who had a smile on her face painted already).
And now, what remains to be said that has to do with music, if not " Ramones, thanks to exist (they exist)!", Probably I would never be able to write this post for three consecutive hours, if my fingers did not ticking on the keyboard to the rhythm of your punk.
nothing remains of Music? Remains still, you know. And how if you know it. And the last place to put what you wanted to write first thing, you might fool someone else, but certainly not yourself. If we consider that 'I'm just you're pretty blog to read it, thou hast not really to deceive anyone.
What we talk about music then, if not " Dont ' cry for me Argentina ?!
Lady L. Yesterday she went to a workshop and abroad, including Argentina and Uruguay, will be gone a month. Now I'm on stage "heart and stomach a bit 'squeezed ..." (Feeling with which, I believe, I have to live for the whole thirty days) but also "... I hope you have fun, to be useful and fill the memoricard of photos of his machine of really cool when we can talk and laugh reflect upon his return. " Sure, I admit that this last part is a reflection of the enthusiastic early stage, almost zen, and that probably between twenty days I get to make me bloody marks on his arm to count the days that separate me from his back, sure, I admit that yesterday the hugs and the silent glances at the airport were cute, sure, I admit that this post is also the mileage manic demonstration of who is busy trying to keep his head more ... but basically - if the scars of the past remain as indelible marks in places that you can know you are - it is also because you learn to deal with events like in different ways , that would presume to define best . I'll wait Lady L. with the assurance of my love for her, and her for me. A statement
harping too? Be ', it is always music.

He said, "That the trip is good," she said
only "I will."


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