Friday, February 13, 2009

Kates Playground Mobile Vid


Here I am again to chase myself, in the sense that once again I find myself with a backlog of months to tell scary.
Last post update, in fact, dates back to September ... and already it was, in turn, a breath summary of my adventures sub-urban and sub-cutaneous (heart and brain area, as always).
encyclopedic view of the implications of recent months - long before you would ask to Methuselah to write his autobiography - I prefer to deal with all this training period without giving any information (except maybe in the next post, sparpargliando references here and there ... but probably would be just a commercial move to create curiosity and audience). Skip to footer
of all these months, on the other hand, can also be interpreted (nice excuse moral!) as a kind of self-awareness reached (specifically: my limits). In fact, it is useless for the umpteenth time I promise myself to recover the lost time in the next post ... If you already seventeen-year diociotto had already realized that " ... the" promised "are nothing but broken promises, delayed, seeking a second chance. And always manages to have a second chance ... .

short, when at stake is really something important, a new opportunity you can (must) grant, also hoping to receive it.
Il blog, però, è più che altro sfogo- cazzeggiante ...

E poi, anche se un po' indirettamente, quale modo migliore per parlare di me attraverso un blog, se non dimostrando il mio modo di essere attraverso il mio modo di trattare questo stesso blog!?
Ogni tanto mi perdo (e lo perdo) un po' per strada, ogni tanto sforno un racconto (vedi post precedente), ogni tanto mi carico di nuova voglia di ingozzare questo spazio di post, ogni tanto mi sovraccarico e mi esaurisco addirittura prima di aver scritto la prima lettera.
Però, comunque la si voglia mettere - che sia una tastiera di un pc , or rag paper found by accident in the pocket of jeans - I find myself always here.

Writing is a form of slavery that makes me free.


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