Saturday, May 2, 2009

Rpht Registered Pharmacy Technician


in frustrating limbo caught between the adjective "degree" and "unemployed", load waiting for answers to send cv- and interviews, full of free time (which I think is "lost"), and guilt to do even part of the "backpack" on the shoulders of mom & dad, I find myself with many hours difficult to manage.
days are all to create and fill hour after hour, sometimes days trudging leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeente , but often run fast, so fast-fast-fast new faces that overlap with one another, tant 'is that often come to lie on the bed and, in summary, is likely to remain with the uncertainty that new boyfriend or new girlfriend that there really or are you a mental creation produced by God knows how many new faces, summarized for convenience in a single male face and one female face.
other day, even meteorologically : When is the rain you can sit in front of us and meditate, or run in during a game, making you kick your right ankle and getting free, the next day upon awakening, a "reserve malleolus" right next to what you gave natural selection (after five days of swelling, the foot is coming back to take his usual, battered appearance) and when it's sunny you can lean on the balcony to smell the summer, close your eyes and imagine lontana all'orizzonte, ma comunque in arrivo, e - nel silenzio del condominio in tarda mattinata - assorbire la sicurezza del sole sulla pelle, nel sangue e nel cervello... oppure puoi tuffarti nel caos allegro, polveroso e fumoso del Forte Prenestino , se è il primo maggio, col Santo, efficiente roll- machine , come fedele spalla da prendere a pacche amichevoli (a volte riversandoci dentro - in quelle pacche - più malinconia di quanto vorresti concedere a te stesso); ma puoi anche condividere un pezzo di prato del Forte con Lorena&Silvia, le "cugine Tao" (Lorena scura e caciarona , Silvia chiara e riservata). E, una volta lì, appositamente oiled with lager, you can lose yourself in deliciously faces - human and canine, both without a leash, and in some cases frighteningly similar to each other. And laugh and dance and laugh and dance and laugh and dance, and he still has the will - once back in the car on the way back - to sing out loud, if the radio is the right song .
In any case, it is a period strange, this, for the amazing coincidence of painful situations, unexpected problems that involves - customization for everyone - me and my friends.
I would like them to be my outlet, but often can not. I would like to be their outlet, but often can not.
A volte - in improvvisi momenti che sembrano prendere il sopravvento - per non ascoltare i rimbombi nella testa, provo riempire il cranio di energia in musica, e i Dropokick Murphys , recente scoperta celtico-punk, si stanno rivelando in questi casi un ottimo rimedio.
Per tutto il resto, la crosta si sta riformando, e prima o poi si seccherà e cadrà, lasciando spazio a nuova pelle... che provvederò al più presto ad abbronzare dal mio balconcino assolato.
Sto riprendendo confidenza con le mie cose , anche se forse - prima di riuscire a passare una tranquilla serata con me stesso, così tranquilla che potrei portar mi al cinema and to offer me after a beer at the pub - there's still a bit 'of rain in which to meditate or run, there is still some' sun to be absorbed, there is still some knowledge to be explored. But if
inquestoperiodo also Green Day - after four years since their last album - it will release a new May 15 (just one day after my birthday), I want to take with a sign: it means that everything, big or small, has a strange cyclical, repetitive in appearance, but in fact never equal to itself. And that - at times for survival, sometimes with passion - always pointing forward.


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