Sunday, May 31, 2009

Prices Of Quo Makeup Brushes

What a day!

Sometimes it happens that comes in some days that we unload outside, but inside you reload, some days they are worth - in their full explosive - more than many mediocre week:
a day, in some ways, that is life.
Why would you want that your life was like that day, but perhaps also because when you close your eyes and the clock tells you that you are awake for almost twenty-four hours, feeling that life, you have really nothing to ask.
What then, in practical terms "the thing" could be summed up in four or maybe five times: show on Giancarlo De Carlo, the stage Ciclofficina , to ride through Rome traffic (for the connoisseurs: " Critical Mass"), hit and run the anti-G8 march, concert-tribute to Fabrizio de Andrè to community center Factory, and (hydro) massage night dream ... with eyes half-open. But these are only
words, boxes full, even overflowing content (almost) indescribably alive, colorful, and even buttons in my heart (and on my lips - with the legs because of the pedaling mileage - are still aching because of the constant smile which were unable to help but keep on your face, all day).
been there, you know all those people - those with official handshake, even if only by those who laugh a little 'forced and fleeting in the effort to climb (or URL assault Indian subways rumbling inside) , seeing people for the first time in your life, and are confident that surprised-pleased, in part, was a bit 'like looking in the mirror, having lived through the movement of your body in its anatomic integrity (before), and (after ) as a molecule of a huge body and knows how to button to be a bike parade, or a public concert that whispers to-listen-sing songs that his heart has always known, and later still feel lost, their bodies in massage and warm scented bath, and then in the flesh trembling and excited, and then in fresh linen-earned rest - and have shared all of this, with the right person with whom you wanted to share a day like this ... this, finally, can only show you the sense of things. Or - perhaps almost better - simply lull my desire to find a way, to things. Just add
dissecting the eyes of others (and confirm its through these words) the quiet pride against the person who takes the show on Giancarlo De Carlo, created it from nothing (Even if an idea is never "nothing"), wanted it with soul and heart, and patience (in the organizational meetings) and legs (in traveling here and there in search of material) and eyes (to see, in reading) and mouth (in the telling). It does not change the world (or maybe just change mine) tell of frenzied Seven, one of the boys Ciclofficina that, with thin legs by shorts with side pockets, finger-rolls cigarettes about as fast as his irresistible eloquence, frantic running between spanners, allen , bolts, wheels, saddles and handlebars. Not to mention, during the Critical Mass afternoon, the sea of \u200b\u200bcolored backs and heads "height bicycle "in front of my eyes, along roads bounded, more than anything else, the faces of pedestrians and motorists wonder: forced to surrender - the latter - to the massive surprise effect of pairs of wheels without wheels, moved from the position of many legs cheerful, rather than energy, kinetic synergy produced. And, many cyclists a bit 'different and equal, there was the magic of lost and found constantly the same smile, and rediscover too ' it a little 'equal and a bit' different, but still beautiful.
will not say nothing, I repeat (with little conviction) had found that morning a map of Rome on the ground, and her collection Pocketed as if it were more spontaneous gestures, and then rediscovered myself to use it several hours later, when I smile and then we decided to break away from the hubbub of the ringing Critical Mass to try to intercept the march against the G8 (and then ... noted with surprise that after a simple crossing a bridge over the Tiber River - coming out in Piazza Navona - there we are seen arriving meeting after a few minutes). "What a coincidence!" I said, with even less conviction, given that in this day as perfect as the circles of our bicycle wheels, it seemed all done on purpose to feed my belief that everything happens by chance. As
una goccia di gelato che va a macchiare sempre lo stesso punto della maglietta.
Poi, piano piano, il sole è nascosto oltre l'orizzonte del Tevere, e l'ha fatto anche lui in modo pigro e stanco, forse appagato dalla pedalata con la quale ci è stato a fianco per tutto il giorno. La notte è quindi scesa melodica come le canzoni di De André , ascoltate a pochi metri dal palco, e si è stesa sulle nostre teste fresca e delicata, come un lenzuolo pulito quando lo si spande sul materasso.
Ed è il momento che la notte scenda qui, nelle mie parole, perché é giusto che il resto rimanga al buio. O, al massimo, a lume di candela.

"Nella vita accadono cose che sono come collegamenti, sta you believe it signs or coincidences "I said a few days before that person, and must myself out just fine, linear and smooth, as she believed that I was quoting someone.'s day yesterday - is that has tipped the balance toward the "signs", whether it simply (and temporarily) quench my thirst for search - I had to say "here is-the-life-that-I would." And it is in the discovery of this desire, that the "e" of "sign" stops granted only half, and shared a hug, turns into "or" dream ".

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Famosas Mexicanasfollando

I'm walking on sunshine. Chasing

And then Luke Sacchiero , for three days with the 27 years on the rump, while filling his head with the new album Green Day (via-phone shot directly to damage of neurons), turns out for the interview tomorrow at Ogilvy only ten minutes walk from home (since there is a link in a straight line, otherwise it would have been enough five).
on the outcome of the other interview - what to 'Infinity - still nothing but a phone call in which something is declared as "non-us-we-forgot-to-you." It took to get this to Ogilvy, do not say a kick in the ass, but at least the chance to training in the past for the right person (s able a farle piacere i miei lavori); nonché - una volta stabilito un contatto - c'è voluta tanta diplomazia epistolare (by email) per gestire una stretta marcatura senza però far sentire il proprio fiato sul collo. Anche se ho dovuto auto-ricordarmi spesso di "lavarmi i denti", lì dove il fiato sul collo è risultato inevitabile.
Percorrerò un tratto d'asfalto che scende dolce dal mio condominio, e che poi risale un po' più ripido dopo un curvone il quale - domattina - si prospetta assolato e cinguettante. E io, levigando i pensieri passi dopo passo, lo prenderò come un buon auspicio.
E' una strada conosciuta alla perfezione, visto che è stata percorsa e ripercorsa decine di volte, essendo l'abituale prima parte delle mie uscite da runner , in quei periodi in cui le partite di calcio/etto/otto latitano dal calendario.
Dovrà essere un passo sereno e cadenzato, il mio, poiché la mia altissima propensione a sudare, il sole quasi estivo delle 11 del mattino, e l'ingombrante presenza della "camicia da colloquio", potrebbero rompermi le uova nel paniere (e mai metafora - per la vischiosa sensazione di appiccicume - potrebbe esser stata più azzeccata).
E mi auguro che sia altrettanto sereno e cadenzato anche il mio passo verso il futuro in generale ( wow ! la metafora della camminata verso l'avvenire non l'aveva mai usata nessuno... te lo meriti proprio, that place by junior copywriter to Ogilvy !).
I'll try to put more space as possible, more possible colors, sounds and smells as possible between me and what he still calls me behind my back, and I can not not listen. But I do filter in your ears more and more aware that that call does not come from a real voice, but from the sadness of my heart that knows that voice perfectly, and that sometimes deceives me to delude himself.
And, by the purifying of walking, there is a 'pilgrim that idea - fomented by the previous novel by Enrico Brizzi - becomes increasingly concrete nei miei discorsi per questa estate (sperando che i miei futuri compagni di viaggio siano abbastanza matti da sostenere il loro stesso "ok, facciamolo!"). Ma, un po' per scaramanzia (visto l'elenco dei miei ultimi non-viaggi: Venezia, L'Aquila, Ferrara, Tagliacozzo, Bruxelles), un po' perché l'idea è chiara ma le sotto-idee sono ancora tutte da delineare (tempo a disposizione, punto di partenza, livello di entusiasmo&pazzia degli altri camminatori), direi che al momento mi limito a lasciar correre la fantasia attraverso immagini, senza la briglia di parole organizzatrici.
Oggi pomeriggio, viste le abbaglianti previsioni meteo, e in previsione di tutte quelle altre camminate, sono in ballo due passi al Circle of Artists, through the various stands of Market Vintage ( sms- gathers followers just sent, awaiting response). The goal is to get a laugh at no cost (even at the cost 1 euro) in the presence of cartoon characters diquandoeravamopiccoli . But - here I declare with utmost honesty - I do not know if the material in front of Spider-Man and / or Tiger Man I can not put hands in their pockets. Maybe it could be a consolation prior, if the interview goes tomorrow more or less "as" .

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Rpht Registered Pharmacy Technician


in frustrating limbo caught between the adjective "degree" and "unemployed", load waiting for answers to send cv- and interviews, full of free time (which I think is "lost"), and guilt to do even part of the "backpack" on the shoulders of mom & dad, I find myself with many hours difficult to manage.
days are all to create and fill hour after hour, sometimes days trudging leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeente , but often run fast, so fast-fast-fast new faces that overlap with one another, tant 'is that often come to lie on the bed and, in summary, is likely to remain with the uncertainty that new boyfriend or new girlfriend that there really or are you a mental creation produced by God knows how many new faces, summarized for convenience in a single male face and one female face.
other day, even meteorologically : When is the rain you can sit in front of us and meditate, or run in during a game, making you kick your right ankle and getting free, the next day upon awakening, a "reserve malleolus" right next to what you gave natural selection (after five days of swelling, the foot is coming back to take his usual, battered appearance) and when it's sunny you can lean on the balcony to smell the summer, close your eyes and imagine lontana all'orizzonte, ma comunque in arrivo, e - nel silenzio del condominio in tarda mattinata - assorbire la sicurezza del sole sulla pelle, nel sangue e nel cervello... oppure puoi tuffarti nel caos allegro, polveroso e fumoso del Forte Prenestino , se è il primo maggio, col Santo, efficiente roll- machine , come fedele spalla da prendere a pacche amichevoli (a volte riversandoci dentro - in quelle pacche - più malinconia di quanto vorresti concedere a te stesso); ma puoi anche condividere un pezzo di prato del Forte con Lorena&Silvia, le "cugine Tao" (Lorena scura e caciarona , Silvia chiara e riservata). E, una volta lì, appositamente oiled with lager, you can lose yourself in deliciously faces - human and canine, both without a leash, and in some cases frighteningly similar to each other. And laugh and dance and laugh and dance and laugh and dance, and he still has the will - once back in the car on the way back - to sing out loud, if the radio is the right song .
In any case, it is a period strange, this, for the amazing coincidence of painful situations, unexpected problems that involves - customization for everyone - me and my friends.
I would like them to be my outlet, but often can not. I would like to be their outlet, but often can not.
A volte - in improvvisi momenti che sembrano prendere il sopravvento - per non ascoltare i rimbombi nella testa, provo riempire il cranio di energia in musica, e i Dropokick Murphys , recente scoperta celtico-punk, si stanno rivelando in questi casi un ottimo rimedio.
Per tutto il resto, la crosta si sta riformando, e prima o poi si seccherà e cadrà, lasciando spazio a nuova pelle... che provvederò al più presto ad abbronzare dal mio balconcino assolato.
Sto riprendendo confidenza con le mie cose , anche se forse - prima di riuscire a passare una tranquilla serata con me stesso, così tranquilla che potrei portar mi al cinema and to offer me after a beer at the pub - there's still a bit 'of rain in which to meditate or run, there is still some' sun to be absorbed, there is still some knowledge to be explored. But if
inquestoperiodo also Green Day - after four years since their last album - it will release a new May 15 (just one day after my birthday), I want to take with a sign: it means that everything, big or small, has a strange cyclical, repetitive in appearance, but in fact never equal to itself. And that - at times for survival, sometimes with passion - always pointing forward.