Monday, April 27, 2009

I Savings Bonds Interest Calculation Or Formula

tralalalalla tralallaleru

An honest man, a good man, fell madly in love
tralalalalla tralallaleru

of one that did not like anything.

said to take me tomorrow
tralalalalla tralallaleru
said take me tomorrow
the heart of your mother for my dogs.

He went by his mother and killed him,
tralalalalla tralallaleru
tore the heart out
and his love returned.

It was not his heart, he was the heart,
tralalalalla tralallaleru
was not enough horror,
wanted another proof of his blind love.

said to love if you love me,
tralalalalla tralallaleru
said love if you love me,
the four veins cut wrists.

veins he cut his wrists,
tralalalalla tralallaleru
and it flowed like blood,
running wild on her back. The

she said, laughing loud,
tralalalalla tralallaleru
gli disse lei ridendo forte,
l'ultima tua prova sarà la morte.

E mentre il sangue lento usciva,
e ormai cambiava il suo colore,
la vanità fredda gioiva,
un uomo s'era ucciso per il suo amore.

Fuori soffiava dolce il vento
tralalalalla tralallaleru
ma lei fu presa da sgomento,
quando lo vide morir contento.
Morir contento e innamorato,
quando a lei niente era restato,
non il suo amore, non il suo bene,
ma solo il sangue secco delle sue vene.

(Fabrizio De André - Ballata dell'amore cieco)


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