Monday, April 20, 2009

How To Get Exp Fast On Pokemon Delug

And to think that ...

"Lady L. yesterday's game for a workshop and abroad, including Argentina and Uruguay, will be gone a month. Now I'm on stage" heart and stomach a bit 'squeezed ... "(feeling with which, I think I have to live for the whole thirty days) but also "... I hope you have fun, to be useful and fill the memoricard of photos of his machine really cool to talk when we can laugh and reflect on his return. "Sure, I admit that this last part is a reflection of the enthusiastic early stage, almost zen, and that probably between twenty days I get to make me bloody marks on his arm to count the days that separate me from his back, sure, I admit that yesterday the hugs and the silent glances at the airport were cute, sure, I admit that this post is also the mileage manic demonstration of who is busy trying to keep his head more ... but basically - if the scars of the past remain as indelible marks in places that you can know you are - it is also because you learn to deal with events like in different ways , that would presume to define best . I'll wait Lady L. with the assurance of my love for her, and her for me. "


I wrote a little over a month ago, in a post dated March 8. What happened a month later, on his return, it was painful, unexpected, uncertain, surreal, fast, immature, superficial, disappointing, relapsed, absurd and unforgivable, (again) ... inabissante but no matter how many adjectives the time allow me to delete from this list, or those who force me to add. Everyone from here on, inexorably bottle in one word: "fine."


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