Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Professional Shortbread Cookie Recipe


Attending, from your balcony, the roar dense, airy and clean for a time you expand your mind. Because everything is so still and compact - the white of the sky and lush green foliage and lawns - and yet so excited and propped up by the rain. You open up your thoughts, then, but the breaths - fresh, nose and lungs - and eyes - hypnotized by the water that remains invisible in contrast with the sky, and then take filamentous forms when the fans from background the nearest trees or some faded building in the distance.
swell the meadows - the drops - leaves glide and bounce off the long, dark wood of the branches, make it shiny asphalt, remain outstanding on the needle tips pine as the heads of many matches. And if you do not know the sound of the water is the breath of heaven or earth, or maybe it's damp and cool meeting of two breaths. Like a kiss.
I do not want to miss any of it, that thanks to his fake-repetitive challenges you to seize the moment different, but at the same time making you realize that comforts you - after all - you can not and will never be able to grasp everything that is often the case, for you to choose a certain number of drops: up to you to follow with the eyes or ignore them and let them fall on deaf ears, thinking that there will be others better. But when you have so many drops similar to each other, look for the best drops may keep you sitting for ever to watch a time that is more in you than in front of you. And the filaments of water become the bars of your cage. I would like to speak
let the storm, put the notebook in the rain and wait for him to fill these pages with its transparent ink. Probably the words dissolve, pulirebbe the paper as it does with the air and the colors.
Maybe that's the message of the storm.

Monday, April 27, 2009

I Savings Bonds Interest Calculation Or Formula

tralalalalla tralallaleru

An honest man, a good man, fell madly in love
tralalalalla tralallaleru

of one that did not like anything.

said to take me tomorrow
tralalalalla tralallaleru
said take me tomorrow
the heart of your mother for my dogs.

He went by his mother and killed him,
tralalalalla tralallaleru
tore the heart out
and his love returned.

It was not his heart, he was the heart,
tralalalalla tralallaleru
was not enough horror,
wanted another proof of his blind love.

said to love if you love me,
tralalalalla tralallaleru
said love if you love me,
the four veins cut wrists.

veins he cut his wrists,
tralalalalla tralallaleru
and it flowed like blood,
running wild on her back. The

she said, laughing loud,
tralalalalla tralallaleru
gli disse lei ridendo forte,
l'ultima tua prova sarà la morte.

E mentre il sangue lento usciva,
e ormai cambiava il suo colore,
la vanità fredda gioiva,
un uomo s'era ucciso per il suo amore.

Fuori soffiava dolce il vento
tralalalalla tralallaleru
ma lei fu presa da sgomento,
quando lo vide morir contento.
Morir contento e innamorato,
quando a lei niente era restato,
non il suo amore, non il suo bene,
ma solo il sangue secco delle sue vene.

(Fabrizio De André - Ballata dell'amore cieco)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Poptropica How To Be Friends

Two days after sending the resume.

La sede dell'agenzia Infinity è un maestoso casale che sonnecchia tra alberi, prati e rilassanti sonorità naturali, nascosto nella campagna della periferia romana: l'ingresso sbuca all'improvviso, sulla via Flaminia direzione Terni. Una volta spalancate le inferriate del cancello, la facciata del casale ti osserva da lontano, mentre ti avvicini - con una certa soggezione - sul dritto sentiero in ghiaia.
Ma di tutto questo mi sono potuto accorgere con molta più tranquillità al momento della seconda selezione del colloquio d'assunzione. E, poiché una seconda selezione, prevede l'esser riusciti a passarne una prima, il mio primo approccio con l'atipica sede dell' Infinity was more or less like this: "ok, it seems anything but an advertising agency, then it means that the agency guy who kindly offered to pick me up in the car at the train station" Montebello , "he is cordially kidnapping. And most importantly, I made the commitment we have to let them see that (without a car, as the younger brother that morning claiming he had seized the priority of a university exam) to get here - to kidnap me - I took the metro B Laurentina to Terms the meters A from Termini to Flaminio and, on a rickety train Roma-Viterbo, I autodeportato to station Montebello , right in the face of Prima Porta cemetery. "exiting the station, I found myself in front of the big empty parking lot (h.10: 30) and, apart from the lazy brown in the sun of those involved in surveillance of the station, I almost had to admit to myself that there was more to life cemetery just beyond the perimeter wall.
then put the foot for the first time in the agency - with input detection Fingerprint (which will be the next move, a top secret contract that will self-destroy after 10 seconds of the signature?) - I found myself face to face with a series of harmonious contrasts generated by the encounter between the style calm and elegant interior of the house (wood, wrought iron decorations, coffered ceilings) and the young age of people who worked there inside; between glance locations of technological pc and impact graph generated by irreverent (read "genius") posters on the walls, designed, created and produced by ' Infinity : "put yourself comfortable! "suggested a picture of an electric chair," open up to new experiences "specify the image of a dissected frog, with the innards on display. Then there was only time to
- chat with boy who had the interview after me, and who, like me, was presented with thoughtful advance;
- do the interview with Elisha 's Infinity and tell "the story of my life in twenty minutes";
- conclude the interview upstairs with Laura, the creative director, and tell the story of my life in ten minutes ";
- finally finding myself, still dazed out on foot on Flaminia (to the station), where there are no sidewalks and cars rush past you in less than two meters, and where this is your chance to see "the story of your life in five seconds." Two days later
Elisha contacted me, telling me that I was chosen for the second selection of the interview.
I resubmitted the sight of the big house this time own car and autorassegnato to go hundred and eighty degrees GRA to a crawl. Against all expectations, the GRA was deserted and the interview was Tutt 'only "interview" each of the six selected, closed with others in the meeting room waiting for something , he immediately felt a kind of competitor realityshow . Given the location, he could think of being in a house of Big Brother lost it The Farm. I do not know how to read or write (so to say for someone who is a candidate to the interview as copywriter), I began to scrutinize the ceiling looking for cameras.
Look at you, I thought, if the first interview of my life I have to be taken or sent away by a televoting ...
The minutes are spent tens, talk about each other's lives of six of us have slowly exhausted, when in the room, suddenly appeared a man- Infinity (not having a uniform or a particular color of skin, say, purple: he simply had a badge with the logo of 'Infinity on the jacket). Equipped with a presenter folder, it was shown immediately friendly and youthful, with jeans, sneakers and jacket. Indeed, most would say that youth ggg iovanile to make the idea. Most, this is its name, began with making loose and smiling, saying: "Now I would like that you could speak a bit 'of yourself, among yourselves." Each of us has nodded a bit 'of embarrassment: a little' because the sight of a man Infinity (the man who probably would decide our future work), but because each had the same thought in his head "But actually talk-between-us is what we've done so far ...". The new
chat - run by Massimo and patient as a dynamic talk-show host (which is always better than reality ) - has been fascinating is per l'effetto-novità sia per il tipo di "colloquio" in sé. Una cosa che, per tutte quelle due ore, se n'è rimasta nel mezzo tra la cena caciarona ad Ariccia e la seduta psicologica di gruppo: del tipo che se sul tavolo fossero comparse delle bottiglie di vinello rosso, sarebbe potuto essere il primo caso; sarebbe stato il secondo caso, invece, se Massimo, alla fine, avesse chiesto una parcella di xxx-cento euro.
Con la promessa di "sapere al più presto gli esiti di questo colloquio", noi sei abbiamo lasciato quel luogo così irreale, che nelle ultime luci del tramonto si presentava ancora più riposante. Caffé quickly to a nearby gas station (the only oasis in this case non-green, the green grass surrounding) right to send down a bit from the cup 'of reality so unusual after a job interview, and to be giddy about the latest impressions of the mouth.
After a quick exchange of contacts with the other five, I went back in the car, ready to take back the GRA and ready - this time more than before - to remain stuck in traffic: the GRA not bestows both outward and return. Rest assured that in either case, you care about.
Instead, a 20-minute semi-deserted street, I arrived home. It's not that I was really in a realityshow ?

Monday, April 20, 2009

How To Get Exp Fast On Pokemon Delug

And to think that ...

"Lady L. yesterday's game for a workshop and abroad, including Argentina and Uruguay, will be gone a month. Now I'm on stage" heart and stomach a bit 'squeezed ... "(feeling with which, I think I have to live for the whole thirty days) but also "... I hope you have fun, to be useful and fill the memoricard of photos of his machine really cool to talk when we can laugh and reflect on his return. "Sure, I admit that this last part is a reflection of the enthusiastic early stage, almost zen, and that probably between twenty days I get to make me bloody marks on his arm to count the days that separate me from his back, sure, I admit that yesterday the hugs and the silent glances at the airport were cute, sure, I admit that this post is also the mileage manic demonstration of who is busy trying to keep his head more ... but basically - if the scars of the past remain as indelible marks in places that you can know you are - it is also because you learn to deal with events like in different ways , that would presume to define best . I'll wait Lady L. with the assurance of my love for her, and her for me. "


I wrote a little over a month ago, in a post dated March 8. What happened a month later, on his return, it was painful, unexpected, uncertain, surreal, fast, immature, superficial, disappointing, relapsed, absurd and unforgivable, (again) ... inabissante but no matter how many adjectives the time allow me to delete from this list, or those who force me to add. Everyone from here on, inexorably bottle in one word: "fine."

Monday, April 6, 2009

Transporting A Paintball Gun In Ontario

few words (so many ... because if they are called, and many say it).

Those 30 seconds of vibration medium (in Rome), a bed - an inanimate object - which kicks in a lilting like riposseduto .
That quake was a kind of "connection" between me and them: the 150 deaths (207 to h.14: 08, nda), those injured in 1000, those not-so-many displaced persons. I felt a strange
empathy, a fear that the same but then it faded, because it did not happen here (more) nothing, and there it all happened.
For 30 seconds I've lived, that "everything", then I only saw what (I) could have happened.
Their despair could have been mine, their fear of mine, their my death.
This was only the deafening echo of a scream, but the voice that produced it was the same.
And you feel lucky, but at the same time guilty for waking deserved this chance.
Why me?
Why them?
E 'was a shock that we have enjoyed, but was also a shock that divided us from more than 150 "we" who had the only fault (?) Of being in a place where I was not myself.
A place not too far away, a place I could reach easily. So how can a voice with an echo.

No, you can not understand, I can not even understand.
I'm watching the interviews of people who lost family, friends, homes. Not even my tears and theirs are the same because I can "afford" not to understand, they are "forced" to accept.