Saturday, January 29, 2011

Benefiber For Gallstone

Oxygen in the day for blocking the traffic

The caresses of the music played live by me win only when they can go away to my fantasies when my curiosity began to rummage in the details, up under the keys of the saxophone. Then start exploring the faces of the musicians, the minimum term, hoping to capture the enjoyment, tension or some other human feel. I remain enraptured by the serene familiarity with which ply the tools, as if it mattered more hand positions. From that moment I seem more human, but extensions carnali del loro strumento: tentacoli muscolari chirurgicamente cuciti nel legno e nel ferro. Seguo le mani, immagino la linea dello sguardo, traduco le pieghe della bocca, per rubare un poco di più di ciò che mi regalano le orecchie. Più si entra nella musica più si cerca la musica; più si incontrano le cose conosciute, più queste diventano disgustose. Come deve essere difficile per un musicista ascoltare musica che lo entusiasmi! Riuscirà mai ad accendere la radio? Cercando la musica composta da un uomo chiamato Moondog che viveva tra le strade di New York negli anni 50, rendergli omaggio e aprirci gli occhi. Quando chiusi nella propria casa si sentiamo al sicuro, ventate di aria nuova rinnovano il richiamo e danno un senso al respirare.

Photo: Hobocombo January 28, 2011 @ Leoncavallo

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Hack Poptropica Credits

Smart Drugs

On the National Institute of Health, under "Publications"
found the second edition of the book "SmartDrugs" of where you can save the entire publication or individual chapters (pdf).

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Denise Milani Topless

Man Out of time without words

Words Bacchae block or disguise themselves as humorous if they try to talk about the Italian situation is political and social. Rabies is a lump of pellets in saliva that chokes, then you need to drain floor, laughing, because there is no time for explanations and reasoning. In the face of all this there is nothing to analyze or to understand, if not to discover that it is not the bottom of the well and that there is already who is digging. The generation of grandparents built, one of the fathers left it to finish what was to become free to destroy the built, we must now pay the price to be aware of the decline, the new will have at least the chance to start over without inheritance. If I look at the science fiction smile, we feared the nuclear disaster, but we are social, but feared the aliens harbored the enemy within, a project called Utopia, and now we do everything to fall asleep and not dreaming. Here is the postmodern, the lack of desire, lack of a better future of the project, and we are satisfied that tomorrow is a little less worse of today. But why all this? Why do we tolerate? Why wait the ball of anger in our throats explode leading us to do things that later convicted in the history books? I always thought that the USA is an advance of our present and, in one way or another, we would follow their evolution, but this time I find nothing in history that does not resemble the present day but what was before the French Revolution. Although we lack the guillotine, I feel the lack of time, maybe even a Napoleon, short of someone or something that embodies a possible future. I do not want to waste a politician, or a hysterical comedy, or even a long time, I want a book. A book to put in the middle and let it grow, which is brick and cement a future. Non voglio un libro che detti un'indiscutibile verità come una Bibbia, nemmeno un testo che faccia un’analisi scientifica come il Capitale, voglio qualche cosa di più quotidiano. Voglio un cielo grigio sopra un porto che sembri un televisore sintonizzato su un canale morto.

Foto: L’uomo con il megafono, P.B. 22 gennaio 2011

Thursday, January 13, 2011

What Is A Good Camcorder For Sports

Scopus e Refworks - Salvare un Feed

If we try an author from the search page "Author search" of Scopus
for RefWorks save the feed that appears in the "Author details", click the link September feed. At this point it is important to remember that we must change the name assigned to the feed (in RSS feed Name shows a numeric code), before clicking the Continue button and get the url to be saved in RefWorks. If non si fa questa modifica il feed in Refworks non funziona.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Famous Aquariums In United States

Il tempo cerca di fluire liscio intorno, bruciando le cose e le persone, facendo scadere gli yogurt e le assicurazioni, ma su di me si infrange. Sono come un masso nel mezzo del fiume. In questo devi ammettere che ho vinto io: ho spezzato ogni date. I was born in the period not covered, and it was only the beginning. As a child I was already old, or at least a little 'less young people today do not know what they are. I have not met any deadline, although I care about punctuality and I do not like to wait. Perhaps I have disappointed anyone, but I have not done voluntarily, and perhaps regret it in one case only. If you have a life plan you can throw it on me, I do not respect him. Maybe talk about it, if you can convince me I will do everything to fulfill it, but do not sit on a bench of any park of any city, waiting for me because I will not spend. This being out of the agenda is a burden, and if it sometimes seems light is just for luck, and do not mind because in certain social conventions. Nor is it a freedom, it's just a way of life to another speed, not constant.

picture: the work of Loris Cecchini - Wallwave Vibrations (quanta canticum) - @ 2009 Fondazione Pomodoro January 2010

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Water Dries Out My Mouth


He throws the red by hand, by the glass, the void. He slips and turns in the vortex in the neck. Every single drop clings to the glass viscosity with nails and screams of panic in the fall. Further down upside down until no gravity pulls the fluid down and throws him into the lake placid arrival. As my blood, suddenly, everything new is stirred as a crowd on the run, past the event subsides as if nothing had happened. Coagulated red wine, indifferent, until the lips.

photo: decanter, December 31, 2010