Thursday, September 18, 2008

Buy Berlinwood Fingerboard

Here we go again! IMPORTANT NOTICE

As I recalled poc 'even to a friend of mine - perhaps not by chance called Dario Anzidei - and then I remembered how poc 'Indeed, they are several months that my blog is here to gathering dust. Except that the same laziness that kept me away from him for so long now - when groped a new, yet another, an approach - I returns a hundredfold, because they are forced to make a nice juicy juice meninges to me that, with memory, I do not know how long have we not do more accounts. More than anything else I can not remember for how long have we not do more accounts.
Sure, I could catch up with the usual trick of key words in bold (as I did often in my resume often leaves & the blog), but in those cases always happen to me "I understand only", as I have been pointed out by someone (maybe two people, maximum number of readers reached by this blog in his most glorious moments).
So how we can escape the solution of the basic theme "( Tell us what you did this summer) that - for this summary ino - would force me to sleepless nights and days in black-eye circles, having the graphomania which took me by surprise in recent years (and this blog is a direct result)?! Not to mention the fact that the joke "sleepless nights and days in black-eye socket" (though its lack of) seems to have already used in qualche post precedente... Questo a conferma della mia s memoria: talmente patologica che potrei scriverci un libro.
Fortunatamente, magari sempre grazie alla chiacchierata col mio amico Dario Anzidei , ho appena ideato la "soluzione calenDario ", ovvero dedicare ad ognuno di questi mesi (giugno, luglio, agosto e settembre) qualche riga di pensiero più o meno riassuntivo-profondo, per non esser costretto, nei prossimi post, a brusche frenate riepilogative per non "capirmi da solo". Così saremo almeno in tre a capirci.
E cavalcando l'onda del "eppure stavolta l' avemo svangata ", non mi resta che premere i tasti g , the , u , g, n , or and get started.
June: Luke rolls into laziness and sheets like a crocodile when it bites its prey and, in a succession of sunny days and home, says the label stuck on his head - the one with the word "graduate" - relentlessly transformed into " unemployed. " And that is why starting a carnival launch of curriculum around, sending the same email with CV attached to perhaps thirty or advertising agencies. Because, while remaining consistent with the "not-so-what-I-do-it-big" - in short not feeling "great" - Luke thinks that the job of the copywriter (already tried in training for the university) could not make him totally sucks. Also, not having the foggiest idea how to move his ship in a targeted CV , Luke-the-sniper-blind, finding a list of any advertising agencies, decided that the best criterion (read "the only ") Send CV is in alphabetical order.
Still, 09.18.2008, e-mails may have stalled the letter "C" (but got to "September" - my two dear readers - you'll understand why ).
For the rest, having a good nest egg by investing in apartments (I demanded that any graduation gift that I received avrebbe dovuto essere a di banconota), Luca si tiene a distanza di sicurezza dai "lavoretti estivi" con cui si è bruciato le ultime vacanze estive della sua vita (a parte quella scorsa in inter- rail , zaino&lady L. in spalla).
Juninho (ossia mese di Giugno trascorso con allegria brasilera ) trascorre in un'alternanza di fasi bucoliche di sole e Nivea sul balconcino, di romanzi e divano in una ben più ombrosa stanza da letto, di dvd in salone pomiciando col ventilatore. In un'infinita estate senza compiti per le vacanze, Luca si rende straordinariamente disponibile per qualsiasi tipo di proposta: accompagnamenti shoppingosi , playstationate , sea at Ostia (the literary level, but also swimming, "sea" and "Host" is a figure of speech: the antithesis), ice cream, movies the , Colombia travel in a disco-rock (in the sense that to reach it every time you grind away miles of Columbus), lots of friends (strictly post-sunset), a weekend in Valencia with Lady L.: the sun never leaves you alone, the lawns that make you breathe the heart with a Duracell Valencians the ass to jog all day, bike lanes even in the bathroom, the room in a hostel with ceiling heart-shaped ... to "red light" sound a strange creature: a German hostel EVER seen in corridors, but that appeared on time every morning hidden behind the shower of a shared bathroom, sang the songs of his radio, while for hours and hours watered the vocal cords (the only sure sign of his presence), and again the Dick, a white scaffolding (Cala) beams in the City of Science who breathe the breeze of the sea just ahead; sangria and pans of Paella Valenciana. All
, in June, it becomes an excuse to do things-with the serenity of being able to think "as much time to sbracarmi I have to sleep in industrial quantities."
There is, in reality, a dark curly and upsets involving Luke and Lady L., which draw them away, that blows up the couple and that blows up in tears its entirety. But it was written that the two were brought together (and hence is also written in this blog), so here again side by side, embraced, intertwined and calm down the boiling, put back together. And paid.
ups and downs, and all resumes and while - they had never stopped - still the days when Luca events bites sleeping a few hours a night, and sending the meritatoriposo always the next day. The days when, in fact, is exactly as with the non-studio, until a few weeks before, was with the study.

Continued ... a few days.
Come on, trust me!
Hmmm ... no, better not, I do not agree, I have already more than 90 euro Max Mariani (to the face of the "nest egg" saved for the summer ...)
Ok, I do not promise anything
, but I committed us I swear.
Oh, so you are always in pairs, to read, at most, I call home and you upgrade to voice.


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